Публикации Гор Ордян
No. Vol. 5 pp. 17-22 (2016)
URL: http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/cejsh/element/bwmeta1.element.desklight-1c4a2a5a-0fd5-4…
Описание: Over the last few years we may notice anarchist symbols and flags which appear in social movements in Armenia. This shows that anarchist organizations appear and are active there. So far they have not been the subject of scientific research as they are still small and not fully developed. However their more visible activity in social movements is the reason why this attitude has changed. In this paper I am trying to show what factors contribute to the development of the anarchist organization and its ideology on the territory of the former Soviet Union, i.e. Armenia, with the emphasis on how the anarchist ideology functions in social movements, their acti - vities and forms of representation in the Armenian society.
No. 2 pp. 193-212 (2021)
URL: https://ojs.tnkul.pl/index.php/rh/article/view/15923/15358?fbclid=IwAR39jk9qOht…
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18290/rh21692-8
Описание: In 1989, breakthrough events took place in Eastern European countries that changed the history of the region. The “round table” in Poland, the fall of the Berlin Wall or the “Velvet Revolution” in Czechoslovakia initiated the processes of liberalization and independence from the USSR. Over the time, these transformations were called “Eastern European Revolutions”. They contributed to the final collapse of the Soviet regime and caused the post-Soviet area to undergo significant social, political and economic transformations in the early 1990s. A year before these events, a great democratic movement began in the smallest Republic of the Soviet Union ‒ Armenia, which undermined the imperial policy of the Soviet authorities. Over the time, it adopted the name of the Karabakh Movement. The rebellion of the Armenian society that broke out in 1988 expressed the need for democratization of the Soviet society and played a signi-ficant role in the freedom aspirations of the Armenian people. Despite this, little is known about this movement, which is commonly associated with ethnic antagonisms between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Karabakh movement remained “unnoticed” in the Soviet era, because the regime media blocked information about the mass occurrences of Armenians. Today, the issue of the Karabakh Movement is uncomfortable for political reasons, especially when we talk about Armenian-Russian relations, because Russia attaches great importance to glorifying USSR history. The main goal of the article is to reconstruct the activities of the Karabakh Movement in 1988–1990, as well as to attempt to understand its impact on the processes that contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union in the context of transformations in Eastern Europe.
pp. 242 (2021)
URL: https://ies.lublin.pl/monografie/30-let-posle-raspada-sssr-starye-problemy-novy…
Описание: Тридцать лет назад Грузия, Армения и Азербайджан добились независимости от Советского Союза. В результате в этих странах произошли фундаментальные изменения в политических, экономических и социальных сферах жизни, a происходящие изменения в последние годы (бархатная революция в Армении и вторая карабахская война) меняют геополитическое значение региона. Сегодня уже невозможно рассматривать это пространство только лишь в качестве постсоветского, как это было принято среди западных политиков и описывать регион только, как часть российской периферии. В статье мы попытались разобраться в региональных трансформациях последних тридцати лет и показать тенденции развития на Южном Кавказе.
Ludność cywilna wobec wojny w Górskim Karabachu. Antropologia straty i cierpienia
pp. 1-160, (2022)
URL: http://riep.org/publishing-house.html?fbclid=IwAR392FinNsVRm0-Ul7zgMEG3qnnFypAg…
Описание: "Książka podsumowująca badania w Górskim Karabachu czytana w czasie kolejnych tygodni wojny ukraińsko-rosyjskiej nie pozostawia czytelnika obojętnym. Wypowiedzi ludzi uciekających przed wojną, doświadczonych utratą bliskich i dorobku całego życia wzmocnione doskonale dobranym materiałem fotograficznym niosą uniwersalne przesłanie, aktualne w każdym miejscu i czasie."