Публикации Армен Нерсесян
Integrability of Geodesics in Near-Horizon Extremal Vanishing Horizon Myers–Perry Black Holes
Том. 81 pp. 907-911 (2018)
Myers–Perry Conformal Mechanics
Том. 49 pp. 860-864 (2018)
On integrability of geodesics in near-horizon extremal geometries: Case of Myers-Perry black holes in arbitrary dimensions
Том. 97 pp. 104004 (2018)
N=4 supersymmetric mechanics on curved spaces
Том. 97 pp. 085015 (2018)
Mapping superintegrable quantum mechanics to resonant spacetimes
Том. 97 pp. 025014 (2018)
Curved WDVV equation and supersymmetric mechanics
Том. 965 pp. 012026 (2018)
CP(N)-Rosochatius system, superintegrability, and supersymmetry
Том. 99 pp. 085007 (2019)
Extended symmetries in geometrical optics
Том. 101 pp. 023840 (2020)
Symmetries of deformed supersymmetric mechanics on Kähler manifolds
Том. 101 pp. 025003 (2020)
Quantum SU (2| 1) supersymmetric ℂ N Smorodinsky-Winternitz system
Том. 2101 pp. 015 (2021)
Geometry and integrability in N=8 supersymmetric mechanics
Том. 101 pp. 045002 (2021)
Maxwell fish eye for polarized light
Том. 104 pp. 053502 (2021)
Noncompact CP(N) as a phase space of superintegrable systems
Том. 36 pp. 2150055 (2021)