Պաշտպանությունների արխիվ

Ամսաթիվ (YYYY-MM)
Feb 27 2023
Լճային միջավայրի պատմությունը կենսաբազմազանության թեժ կետում․ Հայաստանի Սևանա լճից հոլոցեն նյութի պալեոկարպոլոգիական հետազոտություններ Երկրաբնապահպանություն ( ԻԴ.04.01 )
Feb 24 2023
The foreign military policy of the Republic of Armenia in the context of security Yerevan State University Political institutions and processes ( ԻԳ.00.02 )
Feb 24 2023
The experience of the development of "peaceful atom" in Armenia in the context of the process of ensuring international security /political analysis/ Russian-Armenian University Political institutions and processes ( ԻԳ.00.02 )
Feb 09 2023
Armenian Traditional Lullabies Institute of Arts Music ( ԺԷ.00.02 )
Jan 31 2023
On multiple intersection points and GCn sets Yerevan State University Computational mathematics ( Ա.01.07 )
Jan 27 2023
Economic-mathematical assessment evaluation of growth ways of of living standards of the RA population Armenian State University of Economics Տնտեսության մաթեմատիկական մոդելավորում ( Ը.00.08 )
Jan 27 2023
The economic-mathematical analysis of the sensitivity of monetary policy indicators of the Republic of Armenia Armenian State University of Economics Տնտեսության մաթեմատիկական մոդելավորում ( Ը.00.08 )
Jan 27 2023
Electron-phonon interaction effects on the optical characteristics of semiconductor nanostructures Yerevan State University Condensed matter plasma ( Ա.04.07 )
Jan 23 2023
Actualization of role-play in problem-based learning /in Russian lessons at school/ V. Brusov State University Teaching and learning methodology (according to fields) ( ԺԳ.00.02 )
Dec 30 2022
Development of means to increase speed performance in input/output blocks National Polytechnic University of Armenia Electronics, microelectronics and nano-electronics, ( Ե.27.01 )
Dec 28 2022
The factor of Armenia in the context of Russian-Turkish relations 1991-2015 Institute of Oriental Studies World history ( Է.00.02 )
Dec 26 2022
Genre Originality Of Trumen Capote’s Non-Fiction Russian-Armenian University Foreign literature ( Ժ.01.07 )
Dec 26 2022
Resonance interaction of particles with waveguides of complex structure Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission Physics of beams and accelerator technology ( Ա.04.20 )
Dec 26 2022
The Institute of mediation in the civil procedure of the RA Yerevan State University Jurisdiction* ( ԺԲ.00.04 )
Dec 26 2022
Features of application and architectural-spatial organization of the cluster model in Syunik communities National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia Architecture ( ԺԸ.00.01 )