Պաշտպանությունների արխիվ

Ամսաթիվ (YYYY-MM)
Jul 14 2022
Development of the design means for high performance heterogenous integrated circuits National Polytechnic University of Armenia Electronics, microelectronics and nano-electronics, ( Ե.27.01 )
Jul 13 2022
Development of means of the reduction of power consumption for read amplifiers in memory devices National Polytechnic University of Armenia Electronics, microelectronics and nano-electronics, ( Ե.27.01 )
Jul 13 2022
Development of signals' deviations compesation systems in integrated circuits National Polytechnic University of Armenia Electronics, microelectronics and nano-electronics, ( Ե.27.01 )
Jul 12 2022
Development of design methods of intedrated circuits working in non-standart operating conditions National Polytechnic University of Armenia Electronics, microelectronics and nano-electronics, ( Ե.27.01 )
Jul 12 2022
Development of means to increase acceleration of communication information in the integrated scheme National Polytechnic University of Armenia Electronics, microelectronics and nano-electronics, ( Ե.27.01 )
Jul 08 2022
Development of verification methods for high performance digital integrated circuits National Polytechnic University of Armenia Electronics, microelectronics and nano-electronics, ( Ե.27.01 )
Jul 08 2022
Development of effective design tools for integrated circuits by improving the characteristics of digital cells Yerevan State University Electronics, microelectronics and nano-electronics, ( Ե.27.01 )
Jun 21 2022
Study of ways to increase the accuracy of high-precision light distance meter, substantiation and automation of the device National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia Geodesy, cartography and cadaster ( Ե.23.06 )
Jun 17 2022
Development of a remote intelligent system for the injuries diagnosis and treatment National Polytechnic University of Armenia Computing machines, networks/complexes, systems, computers, grids, their components and equipment ( Ե.13.03 )
Apr 29 2022
Development of an automated computer simulator for direct-fire shooting National Polytechnic University of Armenia Automation systems ( Ե.13.02 )
Apr 08 2022
Development of methods for determining the optimal composition of mixed tissues National Polytechnic University of Armenia Light industry materials science, product science and technology ( Ե.19.01 )
Apr 01 2022
Development of the reliability improvement methods of analogue integrated circuits Yerevan State University Electronics, microelectronics and nano-electronics, ( Ե.27.01 )
Dec 27 2021
Research of the stress-strain state stripeform part of machine in case of manufacturing by plastic bend National Polytechnic University of Armenia Mechanical science ( Ե.02.01 )
Dec 17 2021
Design and develop methods to improve fuzz testing Yerevan State University Provision of mathematical equations and programs for computing machi­nes, complexes, networks and systems ( Ե.13.04 )
Dec 17 2021
Regular expressions for languages of multitape finite automata Yerevan State University Provision of mathematical equations and programs for computing machi­nes, complexes, networks and systems ( Ե.13.04 )