
Vardanyan Elmira Armen, Ph.D. inGeography

Yerevan State University Faculty of Geography and Geology Chair of Physical Geography
No Publications

Vardanyan Rena Rafaeli, Ph.D. inGeography

Yerevan State University Faculty of Geography and Geology Chair of Service
No Publications

Vardanyan Vahram, Doctor of Sciences(Engineering)

Yerevan State University Faculty of Geography and Geology Chair of Geophysics
No Publications

Vardanyan Hratsin Vardan, Ph.D. inHistory

Yerevan State University Faculty of History Chair of the History of Armenia
No Publications

Vardanyan Trahel, Doctor of Sciences(Geography)

Yerevan State University
No Publications

Vardanyan Artur Armen, Ph.D. inLaw

Yerevan State University Faculty of Law
No Publications

Vardevanyan Poghos, Doctor of Sciences(Biology)

Yerevan State University Faculty of Biology Chair of Biophysics
No Publications