Մոտակա պաշտպանություններ

Ամսաթիվ (YYYY-MM)
Sep 20 2024
The mass crimes committed by the Turkish army in Vanand (Kars) and Shirak provinces (1920-1921) Armenian genocide museum-institute foundation
Armenian history
Criminal -legal and criminological problems of military criminal offenses combined with violence in the Republic of Armenia Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of NAS RA
Criminal law & criminology, law enforcement rights
Dec 28 2024
55555 ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Լ.Ա. Օրբելու անվան ֆիզիոլոգիայի ինստիտուտ
Մոլեկուլային և բջջային կենսաբանություն
Possibilities of using motivational factors of leaders on the example of preschool educational institutions of Vanadzor community Yerevan State University
Economy, the economics of its spheres and control
The domestic and foreign policy of the Kingdom of Greater Armenia 330-387 A.D. Yerevan State University
Armenian history
Yeghishe Charents and the development of world poetry at the beginning of the 20 century Institute of Literature after M. Abeghyan
Armenian contemporary literature
The system of sources of law in the Republic of Armenia: a theoretical and legal analysis. Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of NAS RA
The theory and history of administrative and legal law, the history of administrative and legal studies
The problems of the development of participatory democracy in the process of ensuring the national security of the republic of Armenia Public Administration Academy of the RA
Political institutions and processes
Ethnocultural discourse in Gohar Markosyan-Kasper's poetics Russian-Armenian University
Russian literature