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"Anania Shirakatsi" University of International Relations
"Progress" Gyumri University
- Any -
A.I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute)
Arabkir Medical Center – Institute of Child and Adolescent Health
Armbiotechnology Scientific and Production Center
Armenian Medical Institute
Armenian National Agrarian University
Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport
Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan
Armenian State University of Economics
Armenian genocide museum-institute foundation
Artsakh State University
Astghik Medical Center
Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory after V. Ambartsumian, NAS RA
Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies NAS RA
Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission
Crisis Management State Academy
Educational Complex of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RA
Eurasia International University
European University
Food safety risk analysis and assessment research center
French University in Armenia
Gavar State University
Gevorkian Theological Seminary
Goris State University
Grigor Narekatsi University
Hematology center after prof. R.Yeolyan
Hydromechanics and Vibrotechnics Section of NAS RA CJSC
IcraNET-Yerevan Center
Institute Of Applied Chemistry "Ariac"
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems
Institute for Physical Research
Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA
Institute of Archeology and Ethnography
Institute of Arts
Institute of Biochemistry after H. Buniatyan
Institute of Botany after A.L. Takhtajyan
Institute of Chemical Physics after A.B. Nalbandyan
Institute of Economics after M. Kotanyan NAN RA
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry after M.G. Manvelyan of NAS RA
Institute of Geological Sciences
Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A. Nazarov
Institute of History
Institute of Hydroponics Problems after G.S. Davtyan NAS RA
Institute of Language after H. Acharian
Institute of Literature after M. Abeghyan
Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
Institute of Mechanics
Institute of Molecular Biology
Institute of Oriental Studies
Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of NAS RA
Institute of Physiology after L.A. Orbeli
Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS RA
Institute of Water Problems and Hydro-Engineering named after I.V. Yeghiazarov
International Scientific-Educational Center NAS RA
Lernametalurgiai Institute
Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Yerevan Branch
Matenadaran Mesrop Mashtots Research Institute of Ancient Manuscripts
Mesrop Mashtots University
Mikaelyan institute of surgery
Military Academy Named after V.Sargsyan
Mkhitar Gosh Armenian-Russian International University
Multi Agro Beekeeping Scientific Production Center
National Center Of Oncology Named After V.A. Fanarjian
National Center for Disease Control and Prevention
National Defense Research University, MOD, RA
National Institute Of Metrology
National Institute of Health
National Polytechnic University of Armenia
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia
Northern University
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Yerevan Branch
Public Administration Academy of the RA
Republican Institute Of Reproductive Health, Perinatology, Obstetrics And Gynaecology
Research Center of Maternal and Child Health Protection
Research Center of Radiation Medicine and Burns
Research institute of cardiology named after Levon Hovhannisyan
Russian-Armenian University
Scientific Center Of Agriculture
Scientific Center Of Drug And Medical Technology Expertise After Academician Emil Gabrielyan
Scientific Center of Trauma and Orthopaedics
Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology
Scientific Research Institute of Energy
Scientific Research Institute of Spa Treatment and Physical Medicine
Scientific Technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Scientific center of vegetable and industrial crops
Shirak Armenology Research Center, NAS RA
Shirak State University named after M. Nalbandyan
Shushi University of Technology
State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia
The University of Traditional Medicine
The Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute
University of Economy and Law after Avetik Mkrtchyan
University of Practical Psychology and Sociology "Urartu"
V. Brusov State University
Vanadzor State University After Hovhannes Tumanyan
Vazgen Sargsyan Military University
Yerevan "Gladzor" University
Yerevan "Haybusak" University
Yerevan Computer Research and Development Institute
Yerevan Mesrop Mashtots University
Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas
Yerevan State Institute Of Theatre And Cinematography
Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi
Yerevan State University
Северо-Осетинский государственный университет
Հյուսիսային Օսիայի պետական համալսարան
ՌԴ ՆԳՆ Կրասնոդարի համալսարան
Սարատովի պետական համալսարան
- Any -
Mathematics and Physics(Ա.00.00)
Mathematical analysis(Ա.01.01)
Differential equations, mathematical physics(Ա.01.02)
Geometry and topology(Ա.01.04)
Theory of relativity and mathematical statistics(Ա.01.05)
Algebra and number theory(Ա.01.06)
Computational mathematics(Ա.01.07)
Mathematical cybernetics and Mathematical logic(Ա.01.09)
Classical mechanics(Ա.02.01)
The mechanics of deformable solid bodies(Ա.02.04)
The mechanics of fluids (liquids, gases and plasmas)(Ա.02.05)
Astronomy and celestial mechanics(Ա.03.01)
Astrophysics, radio astronomy(Ա.03.02)
Theoretical physics(Ա.04.02)
Radio physics(Ա.04.03)
Condensed matter physics(Ա.04.07)
Plasma physics(Ա.04.08)
Physics of semiconductors(Ա.04.10)
Nuclear, elementary particle and cosmic radiation physics(Ա.04.16)
Physics of beams and accelerator technology(Ա.04.20)
Laser physics(Ա.04.21)
Chemical Sciences(Բ.00.00)
Inorganic chemistry(Բ.00.01)
Organic chemistry(Բ.00.03)
Physical chemistry(Բ.00.04)
Supramolecular chemistry(Բ.00.06)
Bioorganic chemistry(Բ.00.10)
Biological Sciences(Գ.00.00)
Biophysics and bioinformatics(Գ.00.02)
Molecular and cell biology(Գ.00.03)
Botany, mycology, ecology(Գ.00.05)
Virology, immunology(Գ.00.06)
Microbiology, biotechnology(Գ.00.07)
Zoology, parasitology, ecology(Գ.00.08)
Animal physiology (including human’s)(Գ.00.09)
Engineering Science(Ե.00.00)
Applied geometry and engineering graphics(Ե.01.01)
Machine building & Mechanical sciences(Ե.02.00)
Mechanical science(Ե.02.01)
Robots, mechatronics, robotics(Ե.02.02)
Machine building manufacturing technologies and equipment(Ե.02.03)
Transport, mountain & construction machines(Ե.05.00)
Automobiles and tractors(Ե.05.01)
Highway, construction and mountain machinery(Ե.05.02)
Electro engineering(Ե.09.00)
Electro engineering, electromechanics, electrotechnologies(Ե.09.01)
Instrumentation, metrology and information measuring devices(Ե.11.00)
The methods of information receiving and measuring, instruments and systems(Ե.11.01)
Instrument manufacturing technologies(Ե.11.14)
Metrology and metrology guarantee(Ե.11.15)
Equipment designed for medical purposes, systems and products(Ե.11.17)
Radio engineering & communication(Ե.12.00)
Radio engineering, radio frequency devices, systems, technologies(Ե.12.01)
Long-distance communication networks, equipment and systems(Ե.12.03)
Informatics, computer engineering & automation(Ե.13.00)
Control, control systems and their components(Ե.13.01)
Automation systems(Ե.13.02)
Computing machines, networks/complexes, systems, computers, grids, their components and equipment(Ե.13.03)
Provision of mathematical equations and programs for computing machines, complexes, networks and systems(Ե.13.04)
Mathematical modeling, digital methods and program complexes(Ե.13.05)
Energy systems(Ե.14.00)
Electric power systems, complexes, electric power stations and their control(Ե.14.01)
Nuclear power stations(Ե.14.02)
Thermal energy systems(Ե.14.03)
Power energy systems with renewal and alternative sources of energy(Ե.14.04)
Materials science(Ե.16.01)
Chemical Engineering(Ե.17.00)
Technology of inorganic materials(Ե.17.01)
Electrochemical productions, chemical resistance and defense of materials(Ե.17.03)
The synthesizing & recycling technology of organic material(Ե.17.04)
Food industry(Ե.18.00)
Reprocessing and production technologies of vegetal and meat branch of food industry(Ե.18.01)
Technology of light industry materials & products(Ե.19.00)
Light industry materials science, product science and technology(Ե.19.01)
Automation of agricultural products & machines(Ե.20.01)
Civil engineering(Ե.23.00)
Construction engineering, buildings, erections and civil engineering materials, Mechanics of civil engineering(Ե.23.01)
Municipal or urban, plant layout, hydraulic, transportation and geotechnical engineering(Ե.23.02)
Supplying buildings and erections with engineering resources (energy, hydraulic, etc.)(Ե.23.03)
Water resource systems and exploitation(Ե.23.05)
Geodesy, cartography and cadaster(Ե.23.06)
Electronics, microelectronics and nano-electronics,(Ե.27.01)
Agricultural Sciences(Զ.00.00)
General agriculture, soil science, hydroland, agricultural chemistry and agroecology(Զ.01.01)
Horticulture, Grapevines, fruit breeding and plant protection(Զ.01.02)
Animal breeding(Զ.02.00)
Agricultural animal breeding, selection and insemination, captive breeding(Զ.02.01)
Armenian history(Է.00.01)
World history(Է.00.02)
Anthropology (ethnology)(Է.00.04)
Historiography, bibliography(Է.00.05)
The theory of economic science and the history of economic thought(Ը.00.01)
Economy, the economics of its spheres and control(Ը.00.02)
Finances, bookkeeping accounting(Ը.00.03)
International economics(Ը.00.06)
Տնտեսության մաթեմատիկական մոդելավորում(Ը.00.08)
Theory and history of religion(Թ.00.05)
Philosophy of art(Թ.00.06)
Armenian medieval and new literature(Ժ.01.01)
Armenian contemporary literature(Ժ.01.02)
Russian literature(Ժ.01.03)
Theory of literature(Ժ.01.04)
Literary folklore, folk stories(Ժ.01.05)
Foreign literature(Ժ.01.07)
The science of library, paleography and archive(Ժ.01.09)
Armenian language(Ժ.02.01)
General and comparative linguistics(Ժ.02.02)
Slavic languages(Ժ.02.04)
Old and new Asian languages(Ժ.02.06)
Germanic languages(Ժ.02.07)
The theory and history of administrative and legal law, the history of administrative and legal studies(ԺԲ.00.01)
Civil law*(ԺԲ.00.02)
Property law*(ԺԲ.00.03)
Criminal law & criminology, law enforcement rights(ԺԲ.00.05)
International law(ԺԲ.00.06)
Theory and practice of pedagogy(ԺԳ.00.01)
Teaching and learning methodology (according to fields)(ԺԳ.00.02)
Special pedagogy (typhlopedagogy, signopedagogy and oligophrenopedagogy, speech therapy, ergotherapy).(ԺԳ.00.03)
Medical sciences(ԺԴ.00.00)
Midwifery and genecology(ԺԴ.00.01)
Human anatomy, the study of tissues, cytology, embryology(ԺԴ.00.02)
Internal diseases(ԺԴ.00.03)
Hygiene, specialized diagnosis and toxicology(ԺԴ.00.05)
Neurology, psychiatry and narcology(ԺԴ.00.07)
Anatomical pathology and forensics(ԺԴ.00.09)
Pathophysiology and conventional physiology(ԺԴ.00.10)
Traumatology and orthopedics(ԺԴ.00.13)
Public health and organization of health care(ԺԴ.00.17)
Anesthesiology and post-anesthesia recovery(ԺԴ.00.20)
Veterinary sciences(ԺԶ.00.00)
Veterinary science(ԺԶ.00.01)
Fine art(ԺԷ.00.00)
Theatre, film, television(ԺԷ.00.01)
Fine art, decorative & applied art, design(ԺԷ.00.03)
Psychological sciences(ԺԹ.00.00)
General psychology, theory and history of psychology, personality psychology(ԺԹ.00.01)
Social psychology(ԺԹ.00.03)
Clinical, special psychology(ԺԹ.00.04)
Developmental and educational psychology(ԺԹ.00.05)
Political and legal psychology(ԺԹ.00.06)
Military and emergency psychology(ԺԹ.00.07)
Military science(Ի.00.00)
Military organization, control of the military(Ի.00.01)
Strategy, operative art, tactics(Ի.00.02)
Theory of shooting, control of fire(Ի.00.08)
Civil defense, crisis control(Ի.00.09)
Methodology, theories of sociological research, social technologies and processes(ԻԲ.00.01)
Political sciences(ԻԳ.00.00)
Theory of political sciences(ԻԳ.00.01)
Political institutions and processes(ԻԳ.00.02)
International relations(ԻԳ.00.04)
National Security Systems and Processes(ԻԳ.00.05)
Earth sciences(ԻԴ.00.00)
General geology(ԻԴ.01.01)
Geophysics, methods of useful ore exploration(ԻԴ.01.08)
Subsoil sciences(ԻԴ.02.00)
Valuable ore site development and exploitation(ԻԴ.02.01)
Enrichment of valuable ores(ԻԴ.02.03)
Environmental science(ԻԴ.04.01)
Hydrology-limnology, water resources, chemistry of water(ԻԴ.04.02)
Theory and history of religion(ԻԵ.00.00)
Armenian National Agrarian University
General agriculture, soil science, hydroland, agricultural chemistry and agroecology
Horticulture, Grapevines, fruit breeding and plant protection