Armine Amekhyan's publications
Publication: Article
Vol. 609 No. A131 pp. 4 (2018)
This paper is a follow-up of a previous paper about the M 82 galaxy and its halo based on Planck observations. As in the case of M 82, a substantial north-south and east-west temperature asymmetry is also found for the M 81 galaxy, extending up to galactocentric distances of about 1.5°. The temperature asymmetry is almost frequency independent and can be interpreted as a Doppler-induced effect related to the M 81 halo rotation and/or triggered by the gravitational interaction of the galaxies within the M 81 Group. Along with the analogous study of several nearby edge-on spiral galaxies, the cosmic microwave background temperature asymmetry method thus is shown to act as a direct tool to map the galactic haloes and/or the intergalactic bridges, invisible in other bands or by other methods.
Vol. 34 No. 1950308 pp. 15 (2019)
Vol. 28 No. 16, 2040016 pp. 10 (2019)
Description: The study of Planck microwave temperature maps towards several nearby spiral edge-on galaxies had revealed frequency independent temperature asymmetry of Doppler origin in their halos. On an example of M31, as of relatively detailed studied galaxy, the contribution of the dust component in that effect is studied using the models of dust emission and the phenomenological profiles of the dark matter configurations. The results are in accordance with those obtained from the microwave temperature asymmetry data,thus indicating the possible contribution of dust among other radiation mechanisms in revealing the dark halo parameters.