Մոտակա պաշտպանություններ

Ամսաթիվ (YYYY-MM)
Jul 01 2024
Investigating the stress-strain state of bimetallic machine parts made of solid and powder materials in the technological process of their production National Polytechnic University of Armenia
Mechanical science
Jul 03 2024
Gender aggression in televised debates European University
Germanic languages
Jul 03 2024
Problems of implementation and development of fintech in the banking system of the Republic of Armenia Armenian State University of Economics
Finances, bookkeeping accounting
Jul 04 2024
Development of a system for detection and jamming of drone control signals National Polytechnic University of Armenia
Long-distance communication networks, equipment and systems
Jul 04 2024
Music as a means of developing the national identity of preschool children Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan
Teaching and learning methodology (according to fields)
Jul 04 2024
The main issues of logistics competitiveness of foreign trade (in the example of the Republic of Armenia) Armenian State University of Economics
International economics
Jul 04 2024
The study of human capital development challenges in the context of internalization of the economy of the Republic of Armenia Armenian State University of Economics
International economics
Jul 08 2024
Study of the influence of external fields on the quasi-particle states in nanostructures considering the interaction with the phonon system Yerevan State University
Condensed matter plasma
Jul 08 2024
US foreign policy in the Middle East (2000-2008) Institute of Oriental Studies
World history
Jul 08 2024
Some features of electromagnetic radiation in spherically-symmetric media Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA
Condensed matter plasma
Jul 09 2024
Ethnocultural discourse in Gohar Markosian-Kasper's poetics Russian-Armenian University
Russian literature
Jul 09 2024
Military resisting characteristics of settlements from border zone in RA National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia
Jul 09 2024
Ways of improving financial management in commercial organizations (on the materials of the RA) Institute of Economics after M. Kotanyan NAN RA
Finances, bookkeeping accounting
Jul 10 2024
Criminal-legal and criminological problems of military criminal offenses combined with violence in the Republic of Armenia Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of NAS RA
Criminal law & criminology, law enforcement rights
Jul 11 2024
Teskilat-i mahsusa organization in the Ottoman empire Institute of Oriental Studies
World history