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Variety of Approaches in Assessment of Global Competitiveness

Assessment of Global Competitiveness: Methodology and Its Implication for EU and EEU
proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Rome 2018

Том. ISSN 1849-3327 (2018)

Տնտեսության մրցունակության նորարարական հիմքը

Trade competitiveness: approaches of assessment (The case of Armenia)

The Assessment of Various Reforms with the Help of an Integral Index (The Case of Transition Economies)
Samson Davoyan
Journal of Economic and Social Development

Том. Vol. 5 No. 2 pp. 13-21 (2018)

Armenia's trade dilemma. Where to trade? EU or EAEU
The 10th Anniversary of the Eastern Partnership: Lessons Learnt, Current Challenges and Future Perspectives”.

pp. 150-154 (2019)

ԵԱՏՄ երկրների մրցունակության ներուժը․ փոխադարձ և միջազգային առևտուր

International economic competitiveness: interrelation with integration, trade and innovation
EU-EaP Academy: supporting next generation of scholars in European studies. Collection of the research papers

pp. 183-191 (2019)

Efficiency of Socio-Economic Reforms -The assessment through Integral Index
Samson Davoyan
Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries

Том. 39(9) pp. 59-64 (2019)

Возможности реализации конкурентных преимуществ членов ЕАЭС. Коммерческий и финансовый потенциал
Из зоны бедствия в зону развития... Уроки прошлого и вызовы времени : сборник тезисов докладов участников Международной научной конференции.

No. ISBN 978-5-7307-1692-6 pp. 100-112 (2020)