Արփինե Սարգսյանի հրապարակումները
Variety of Approaches in Assessment of Global Competitiveness
Հատոր. 6 No. 479 (2017)
The Assessment of Various Reforms with the Help of an Integral Index (The Case of Transition Economies)
Հատոր. Vol. 5 No. 2 Էջ. 13-21 (2018)
Export competitiveness: Assessment through the Balassa index (the case of Armenia)
Assessment of Global Competitiveness: Methodology and Its Implication for EU and EEU
Հատոր. ISSN 1849-3327 (2018)
Տնտեսության մրցունակության նորարարական հիմքը
No. №1, 2018 Էջ. 353-357 (2018)
Trade competitiveness: approaches of assessment (The case of Armenia)
No. 5(1) Էջ. 98-107 (2018)
Efficiency of Socio-Economic Reforms -The assessment through Integral Index
Հատոր. 39(9) Էջ. 59-64 (2019)
Armenia's trade dilemma. Where to trade? EU or EAEU
Էջ. 150-154 (2019)
Հատոր. 3 No. № 2(3), 2019 Էջ. 277-284 (2019)
International economic competitiveness: interrelation with integration, trade and innovation
Էջ. 183-191 (2019)
No. ISBN 978-5-7307-1692-6 Էջ. 100-112 (2020)