Պաշտպանությունների արխիվ

Ամսաթիվ (YYYY-MM)
Oct 26 2022
Estimates of sparse and Carleson type operators Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA Mathematical analysis ( Ա.01.01 )
Oct 22 2022
Electromagnetic field distributions in anisotropic nanoscale structures Yerevan State University Radio physics ( Ա.04.03 )
Oct 21 2022
Adoption of digital technologies in the area of urban planning of the Republic of Armenia Yerevan State University Economy, the economics of its spheres and control ( Ը.00.02 )
Oct 19 2022
Stylistic and semantic peculiarities of colloquial phraseological units of contemporary French/in comparison with the Armenian language/ V. Brusov State University Germanic languages ( Ժ.02.07 )
Oct 14 2022
Diversity, biological features and biotechnological potential of microbes of the geothermal springs in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh Yerevan State University Microbiology, biotechnology ( Գ.00.07 )
Oct 11 2022
Issues of the mortgage lending market development (on the example of the AR and the RA) Russian-Armenian University Finances, bookkeeping accounting ( Ը.00.03 )
Sep 30 2022
FRANCE'S POLICY IN THE FORMER AFRICAN COLONIES IN 1961-1991 Yerevan State University International relations ( ԻԳ.00.04 )
Sep 29 2022
Synaptic processes of neurons of the substantia nigra in the corticonigral projection on the model of Parkinson's disease under the conditions of the protective effect of the Central Asian cobra venom and Melanin Institute of Physiology after L.A. Orbeli Animal physiology (including human’s) ( Գ.00.09 )
Sep 28 2022
The issue of separatism in the member states of the European Union: Features of separatism in Spain on the example of Catalonia Public Administration Academy of the RA Political institutions and processes ( ԻԳ.00.02 )
Sep 27 2022
The role of media information in the formation of tourist attractiveness in RA Yerevan State University Geography ( ԻԴ.03.01 )
Sep 27 2022
Subject matter and substance of the subject of law. theoretical framework of legal research Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of NAS RA The theory and history of administrative and legal law, the history of administrative and legal studies ( ԺԲ.00.01 )
Sep 23 2022
The role of mirna and isomir functional activity in the pathogenesis of human cancer Institute of Molecular Biology Molecular and cell biology ( Գ.00.03 )
Sep 23 2022
Structural features and physicochemical properties of dielectric vitreous coating based on LiPO3-NaF-R2O3 (R-AL, B, Fe) systems Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry after M.G. Manvelyan of NAS RA Inorganic chemistry ( Բ.00.01 )
Sep 23 2022
Improvement of surgical treatment of perforated duodenal ulcers Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi Surgery ( ԺԴ.00.15 )
Sep 23 2022
Developing the technology for quenching the cast ХГС grade steel balls and investigating the structuraton process National Polytechnic University of Armenia Materials science ( Ե.16.01 )