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Պաշտպանությունների արխիվ
- Any -
Russian scientific and clinical center for otorhinolaryngology
Derzhavin Tambov state university
"Anania Shirakatsi" University of International Relations
"Progress" Gyumri University
Faculty of Stomatology
Faculty of Pharmacy
A.I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute)
A.I.Yevdokimov Moscow state university of medicine and dentistry
A.I.Yevdokimov Moscow state university of medicine and dentistry
Academician B.V. Petrovsky Russian scientific center of surgery
Academician B.V. Petrovsky Russian scientific center of surgery
Academician B.V. Petrovsky Russian scientific center of surgery
Academician B.V. Petrovsky Russian scientific center of surgery
Academician B.V. Petrovsky Russian scientific center of surgery
Academician B.V. Petrovsky Russian scientific center of surgery
Academician Gourgen Sahakyan's Chair of Theoretical Physics
Academician Victor Ambardzoumyan's Chair of General Physics and Astrophysics
Academy of economic security of the ministry of internal affairs of Russia
Academy of management of the ministry of internal affairs of Russia
Academy of management of the ministry of internal affairs of Russia
Academy of management of the ministry of internal affairs of Russia
Academy of management of the ministry of internal affairs of Russia
Academy of sciences of Turkmenistan
Academy of the Federal security service of Russia
Active Galaxies
Adaptive Physical Culture & Anatomy
Administration of public finances
Aix-Marseille University of France
All-Russian research institute of animal protection
All-Russian research institute of the ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation
All-Russian research institute of veterinary sanitation, hygiene and ecology
All-Russian state tax academy
All-Russian state university of cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov
All-Russian state university of cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov
Amino Acids Laboratory
Ancient and Medieval Armenian Literature
Antenna Complex
Antibiotic synthesis laboratory
Antiviral defense mechanisms
Applied Microwaves Laboratory
Applied Physics Researches Division
Applied Programming Systems
Applied Sports
Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy
Armenian Language History Department
Armenian Medical Institute
Aromatic mix synthesis laboratory
Artsakh State University
Asian Language Research Center
Astrochemistry, Astrobiology and Exoplanets
Astronomical Surveys
Avignon University
Azomethine Laboratory
Battery life cycle
Bauman Moscow state technical university
Bauman Moscow state technical university
Bauman Moscow state technical university
Beihang University
Beijing normal university
Beijing sport university
Beijing university of Chinese medicine
Belarusian state university
Belgorod state national research university
Berlin institute of technology
Bielefeld University
Bioenergy and Feed Resources
biological processes
Brno university of technology
Bucharest academy of economics
Bucharest polytechnic university
Business administration, Master of business administration (distant education, joint diploma by PAARA and international scientific-educational center of NAS RA.
Ca' Foscari university of Venice
Cabinet of Bioethics
Cabinet of Byron Studies
Cabinet of Polish Language
California university of Berkeley
Cambridge academy of information technology
Cardiovascular System Design and Synthesis Laboratory
Case western reserve university of Cleveland
Cell biology and virology
Center for Academic Achievements in Francophone Research
Center for Cosmology and Astrophysics
Center for Ecological Safety
Center for Greek and Greek Culture
Center for Indian and Indian Culture
Center for Korean and Korean Culture
Center for Legal Studies
Center for Regional Integration and Conflict Analysis (CRICA)
Center for the Study of the Molecular Structure of NAS RA
Center for theoretical problems of physico-chemical pharmacology of the Russian academy of sciences
Center of Argentine Culture
Center of Chinese Language and Culture
Central Nervous System Physiology
Centre of Excellence of Applied Biology
Centre of Kazakh culture, language, literature and history
Centre of Mathematical Research
Centre on Sustainable Development
Cergy-Pontoise university France
Chair of Actuarial Mathematics and Risk Management
Chair of Agrarian Economics
Chair of Agribusiness Management
Chair of Agricultural Animal Morphology, Physiology and Pathologic Anatomy
Chair of Agriculture Automation and Exploitation of Agricultural Machinery
Chair of Algebra and Geometry
Chair of Algorithmic Languages and Programming
Chair of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Chair of Animal Husbandry
Chair of Animal Husbandry Product Processing Technology
Chair of Applied Arts
Chair of Applied Electrodynamics and Modelling
Chair of Applied Psychology
Chair of Applied Sociology
Chair of Arabic Studies
Chair of Archaeology and Ethnography
Chair of architectural design and design of architectural environment
Chair of Armenian Ancient and Medieval Literature and its Teaching Methods
Chair of Armenian and Foreign Languages
Chair of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute
Chair of Armenian Language
Chair of Armenian Language and it Teaching Methods
Chair of Armenian Language and its Teaching Methods after Ashot Ter-Grigoryan
Chair of Armenian Language and Literature
Chair of Armenian Language History
Chair of Armenian Literature
Chair of Armenian Studies
Chair of Art History, Theory and Culturology
Chair of Art Studies and Humanities
Chair of Arts
Chair of Automotive Industry and Transport Economics and Management
Chair of Banking and Insurance
Chair of Basics of Graphics and Machine Design
Chair of Biochemistry
Chair of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology
Chair of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Virology
Chair of Bioengineering, Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology
Chair of Biology and its Teaching Methods
Chair of Biomedicine
Chair of Biophysics
Chair of Botany and Mycology
Chair of building structures
Chair of Business Administration - MBA:
Chair of Business and Administration
Chair of Camera work, Artisitic Phoography and Socio-Cultural Activities
Chair of Cardiology
Chair of Cartography and Geomorphology
Chair of Chemistry
Chair of Chemistry and its Teaching Methods
Chair of Chemistry-Biological and Environmental Technologies
Chair of Choreographic Pedagogy
Chair of Civic Procedure
Chair of Civil Law
Chair of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law
Chair of Clinical Allergology
Chair of Clinical Pharmacology
Chair of Colopractology
Chair of Commerce and Business Organization
Chair of Communication and New Media
Chair of Communication Systems
Chair of Computer Graphics and Fashion Design
Chair of Computer Systems and Networks
Chair of Constitutional Law
Chair of Constitutional Law and Municipal Law
Chair of construction industry technology and management
Chair of construction machinery and traffic management
Chair of Construction Mechanics
Chair of Creative Industries
Chair of Criminal Law
Chair of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law
Chair of Criminal Processing and Criminalistics
Chair of Culturology
Chair of Data Science
Chair of Dermatology and Toxicology
Chair of design
Chair of Design and Applied Decorative Art
Chair of Design and Fine Arts
Chair of Diaspora
Chair of Differential Equations
Chair of Diplomatic Service and Communication
Chair of Direction
Chair of Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Informatics
Chair of Drawing and Painting
Chair of drawing, computer graphics
Chair of drawing, painting and sculpture
Chair of Drug Technology
Chair of Ecology and Life Activity
Chair of Ecology and Nature Protection
Chair of Ecology and Sustainable Development
Chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems
Chair of Economic Theory and Challenges of Transition Economies
Chair of Economics and Finance
Chair of Economics and International Economic Relations
Chair of Economics and Management
Chair of Economics and Management (Economics and Management of Communication and Information Technologies)
Chair of Economics and Management of Energy Sector
Chair of Economics and Transportation Organization
Chair of economics, law and management
Chair of Education
Chair of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering
Chair of Electrical Machines and Machines
Chair of Electricity
Chair of Electronic Measuring Systems and Metrology
Chair of Electronic Technology
Chair of Emergency Medicine and Military Toxicology
Chair of Endocrinology
Chair of Engineering Geodesy
Chair of Engineering Graphics
Chair of English
Chair of English Communication and Translation
Chair of English for Cross-Cultural Communication
Chair of English Language Teaching
Chair of English Philology
Chair of ENT diseases
Chair of Environmental Economics
Chair of Epidemiology
Chair of Epidemiology and Parasitology
Chair of European and International Law
Chair of Family Medicine
Chair of Film and Television Production
Chair of Finance
Chair of Finances and Accounting
Chair of Financial
Chair of Financial Accounting
Chair of Fine Arts
Chair of First Aid, Emergency and Civil Protection
Chair of Food Industry Equipment
Chair of Foreign Language Teaching Methodology
Chair of Foreign Languages
Chair of Foreign Literature
Chair of Forensic Medicine
Chair of Forestry and Agriecology
Chair of French
Chair of General and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Chair of General Biology
Chair of General Chemistry
Chair of General Chemistry and Chemical Processes
Chair of General Linguistics
Chair of General Mathematics
Chair of General Mathematics Education
Chair of General Physics and Quantum Nanostructures
Chair of General Psychology
Chair of General Surgery
Chair of Genetics and Cytology
Chair of geoecology and biosafety
Chair of Geography and its Teaching Methods
Chair of Geography, Biology and Chemistry
Chair of Geophysics
Chair of Geoponics
Chair of German
Chair of German Language Teaching
Chair of German Philology
Chair of Graphics
Chair of Health Law
Chair of Hematology
Chair of Higher Mathematics
Chair of Higher Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics.
Chair of Histology
Chair of Historical and Regional Geology
Chair of History and Philosophy
Chair of History and Theory of Armenian Art
Chair of History and Theory of Religion
Chair of History and Theory of State and Law
Chair of History of Armenian Church
Chair of History of Philosophy
Chair of Horticulture and Plant Protection
Chair of Human and Animal Physiology
Chair of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair of hydraulics
Chair of hydroconstruction, water systems and hydroelectric power plants
Chair of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
Chair of Hydrotechnological Structures and Melioration
Chair of Hygiene and Ecology
Chair of Infectious Diseases
Chair of Informatics and its Teaching Methods
Chair of Informatics, Computer Science and Management
Chair of Information Security and Software
Chair of Information Technologies and Automation
Chair of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Chair of Intercultural Communications and Tourism
Chair of Interior and Exterior Design
Chair of Internal Diseases (Pulmonology and Nephrology)
Chair of Internal Diseases (Rheumatology)
Chair of International and European Law
Chair of International Economic Relations
Chair of International Relations and Diplomacy
Chair of Iranian Studies
Chair of Islamic Studies
Chair of Journalism
Chair of Labor Economics
Chair of Land Management and Land Cadastre
Chair of Languages
Chair of Law and its Teaching Methods
Chair of Law and Political Science
Chair of Life Safety
Chair of Logopaedics and Rehabilitation Therapy
Chair of Macroeconomics
Chair of Management
Chair of Management and Business
Chair of Management Systems
Chair of Management, Business and Tourism
Chair of Managerial Accounting and Auditing
Chair of Marketing
Chair of Materials Technology and Structure of Electronic Technique
Chair of Mathematical Analysis
Chair of Mathematical cybernetics
Chair of Mathematical Methods in Economics
Chair of Mathematics
Chair of Mathematics and Elementary Teaching Methods
Chair of Mathematics and its Teaching Methods
Chair of Mathematics and mathematical modeling
Chair of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technologies
Chair of Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Automation
Chair of Mechanics
Chair of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
Chair of Medical Bacteriology
Chair of Medical Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Chair of Medical Biology
Chair of Medical Chemistry
Chair of Medical Genetics
Chair of Medical Physics
Chair of Medical Psychology
Chair of Medical Service Organization and Tactics
Chair of Metallurgy and Material Science
Chair Of Microeconomics and Entrepreneurship Management
Chair of Microelectronic Circuits and Systems
Chair of Microelectronics and Biomedical Devices
Chair of Military
Chair of Military Field Surgery
Chair of Military Therapy
Chair of Mining and Environmental Protection
Chair of Mining and Metallurgical Industry and Economics and Management of Natural Resources
Chair of Modern Armenian Literature
Chair of Molecular Physics
Chair of Museology, Library Studies and Bibliography
Chair of Music
Chair of Music Education
Chair of Neurology
Chair of Neurology (Postgraduate)
Chair of Neurosurgery
Chair of Normal Anatomy
Chair of Nuclear Physics
Chair of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling
Chair of of Armenian New and Modern Literature and its Teaching Methods
Chair of of Radiation Diagnostics
Chair of Oncology
Chair of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy
Chair of Ophthalmology
Chair of Optics
Chair of Organic Chemistry
Chair of Orthopedic Dentistry
Chair of Painting
Chair of Pathological Anatomy and Clinical Morphology
Chair of Pathophysiology
Chair of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
Chair of Pediatric Surgery
Chair of Personality Psychology
Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy
Chair of Pharmacognosy
Chair of Pharmacology
Chair of Pharmacy
Chair of Pharmacy Management
Chair of Pharmtechnology and Pharmacy Economics and Management
Chair of Philosophy
Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History
Chair of Philosophy and History
Chair of Physical and Colloids Chemistry
Chair of Physical Education
Chair of Physical Education and Civil Defense
Chair of Physical Education and Sport
Chair of physical education and sports
Chair of Physical Geography
Chair of Physical Training
Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense
Chair of Physics
Chair of physics and electrical engineering
Chair of Physics and its Teaching Methods
Chair of Physics and Thermotechnics
Chair of Physiotherapy
Chair of Plant Cultivation and Vegetable Growing
Chair of Plant Growing Product Processing Technology
Chair of Political Institutions and Processes
Chair of Political Science
Chair of Political Science and History of Law
Chair of Preschool Education and Methodology
Chair of Printed and Broadcast Media
Chair of production technology of construction materials, items and structures
Chair of Professional Education and Applied Pedagogy
Chair of Professional Mathematical Education
Chair of Programming and Information Technologies
Chair of prophylactics of internal diseases
Chair of Psychiatry
Chair of Psychology
Chair of Psychology, Sociology and Social Work
Chair of Public Administration
Chair of Public Health and Health Care
Chair of Quantum and Optical Electronics
Chair of Radio Equipment
Chair of Radiophysics and Electronics
Chair of railways, bridges and tunnels
Chair of Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine
Chair of roads and bridges
Chair of Romance Languages
Chair of Romance Philology
Chair of Russian and Slavic Languages
Chair of Russian and World Literature and Culture
Chair of Russian Language
Chair of Russian Language (Faculties of Natural Sciences)
Chair of Russian Language (Humanities' Faculties)
Chair of Russian Language and Professional Communication
Chair of Russian Linguistics, Typology, and Theory of Communication
Chair of Russian Literature
Chair of Sculpture
Chair of Semiconductor and Microelectronics
Chair of Service
Chair of Social and Clinical Psychology
Chair of Social Philosophy, Ethics and Aesthetics
Chair of Social Sciences
Chair of Social Work and Social Technologies
Chair of Social-economic Geography
Chair of Sociology and Social Work
Chair of Solid States
Chair of Special Pedagogy and Psychology
Chair of Sports and Chess
Chair of Statistics
Chair of strength of materials
Chair of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery
Chair of System programming
Chair of technical translation
Chair of Technological Education
Chair of Telecommunication and Signal Processing
Chair of Telecommunications
Chair of the English Language and Literature
Chair of the History of Armenia
Chair of the History of Armenia's Neighboring Countries
Chair of the Russian Language and Literature
Chair of the Theory and Methods of Physical Training
Chair of the Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Chair of the World History and its Teaching Methods
Chair of Theology
Chair of theoretical mechanics
Chair of Theory and History of Pedagogy
Chair of Theory and History of Political Science
Chair of theory and history of sociology
Chair of theory of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical-architectural heritage, fine arts and history
Chair of Theory of Economics
Chair of Theory of Language and Cross-Cultural Communication
Chair of Theory of Literature and Literary Criticism
Chair of Therapeutic and Family Dentistry
Chair of Therapy,Surgery and Obstetrics
Chair of Thermal Energy and Environmental Protection
Chair of Tractors and Agricultural Machines
Chair of Traumatology and Orthopedics
Chair of Traumatology and Orthopedics (Postgraduate)
Chair of Turkish Studies
Chair of TV-Radio Journalism
Chair of UNESCO on Education Management
Chair of urban construction
Chair of Urology and Andrology
Chair of ventilation, gas and heat supply
Chair of Veterinarian Sanitarian Expertise, Food Safety and Hygiene
Chair of World History
Chair of World History and Foreign Regional Studies
Chair of World Literature and Culture
Chair of World Politics and International Relations
Chair of Zoology
Chairof Philosophy and Logic
Chairs of Obstetrics and Gynecology N1
Chairs of Obstetrics and Gynecology N2
Chairs of Pediatrics N1
Chairs of Pediatrics N2
Chairs of Surgery N 1
Chairs of Surgery N 3
Chairs of Surgery N 4
Charles university in Prague
Chelyabinsk state university
Comparative Genocide Studies Department
Composite Sorbents Laboratory
Computational modelling of
Computational Physics and IT Division
Concordia university of Canada
Cornell university
Cosmic Compact Objects and Relativistic Gravity
Cosmic Ray Division
Crisis Management State Academy
Cucurbitaceae vegetable crops breeding, seed breeding and technology department
Damascus University
Dean’s-office of International Students
Delft university of technology
Departament of hydrobiology
Departament of hydroecology
Departament of ichthyology
Department of Advanced Plant Logic and Geography
Department of Ancient History
Department of Ancient Orient
Department of Applied Linguistics
Department of applied molecular biology
Department of Arabic Studies
Department of Armenian Cause and Armenian Genocide
Department of Armenian Diaspora and Communities
Department of Armenian Periodicals and Public Mind
Department of Complex Analysis
Department of Computer Systems
Department of Description and Study of Arabic Manuscripts
Department of dialectology
Department of Differential and Integral Equations
Department of Digitization and Web Services
Department of distance learning
Department of Eastern Sources and Historiography
Department Of Elastic and Visco-Elastic Bodies
Department of Ethnosociology
Department of External Relations and Information
Department of Folklore Theory and History
Department of General and Comparative Linguistics
Department of Genocide Source Studies
Department of Global History
Department of humanities and arts
Department of Integral and Stochastic Geometry
Department of International Relations
Department of Iranian Studies
Department of Manuscript Studies and Mayr Tsutsak
Department of Mathematical modeling in Economics
Department of mathematics and natural sciences
Department of Medieval History
Department of Medieval Source Study
Department of Methods of Mathematical Physics
Department of Modern History
Department of Museum Collections and Archives
Department of New Ages
Department of Organizing Museum Exhibitions
Department of pedagogy
Department of Plant Biotechnology
Department of Political Science
Department of Preservation and Scientific Processing of Archival Papers
Department of Press and Printed Literature of Armenian Studies
Department of Real Analysis
Department of Social Philosophy
Department of social sciences and law studies
Department of Sociology
Department of Source Study and Old Bibliographical Monuments
Department of Study and Translation of Ancient Texts
Department of Study of Art History and Schools of Miniature Painting
Department of Study of History of Natural and Medical Sciences
Department of Study of Medieval Armenian Literature
Department of Study of Memoirs, Documents, and Press
Department of Textology
Department of the Christian Orient
Department of Theater
Department of Thin-Walled Systems
Department of Turkish Studies
Department on Dynamics of Deformable Systems and Connected Fields
Depository of Manuscripts
Dictionary section
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Diplomatic academy of the ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation
Diplomatic academy of the ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation
Distance learning center
Distance learning faculty
Distance learning Laboratory
Donetsk national university
Dorodnitsyn computing centre of the Russian academy of sciences
Duke University
Eastern Virginia Medical School - Old Dominion University
Education Management and Planning Forum
Educational Complex of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RA
Educational Department
Electric Power Laboratory
Electronic public administration
Energy Saving Laboratory
Environmental geochemistry
Environmental Law Research Center
Eurasia International University
Exhibition Halls
Experimental Physics Division
Experimental station
Faculty of Accounting and Auditing
Faculty of Agrarian Engineering
Faculty of Agri-Business and Economics
Faculty of Agronomy
Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of architecture
Faculty of Armenian Philology
Faculty of Armenian Studies
Faculty of Art Education
Faculty of Biology
Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Geography
Faculty of Chemical Technology and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Chemistry
Faculty of Computer Science and Statistics
Faculty of construction
Faculty of Culture
Faculty of design
Faculty of Design and Decorative Applied Arts
Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Education and Professional Pedagogy (CPA)
Faculty of Education Psychology and Sociology
Faculty of European Languages and Communication
Faculty of Finance
Faculty of Finance and Management
Faculty of Fine Arts
Faculty of Food Technologies
Faculty of Foreign Languages
Faculty of General Medicine
Faculty of Geography and Geology
Faculty of History
Faculty of History and Jurisprudence
Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics
Faculty of International Relations
Faculty of Journalism
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Management
Faculty of management and technology
Faculty of Marketing
Faculty of Marketing and Business Management
Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Faculty of Military Medicine
Faculty of Mining and Metallurgy
Faculty of Oriental Studies
Faculty of Philology
Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology
Faculty of Physics
Faculty of Preschool Education
Faculty of Public Health
Faculty of Radiophysics
Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations
Faculty of Russian and Foreign Languages (ROL)
Faculty of Russian Philology
Faculty of Social Sciences and Service
Faculty of Sociology
Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Translation and Intercultural Communication
Faculty of urban economy and ecology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry
Federal Institute of technology in Zürich
Federal institute of technology in Zürich
Federal Institute of technology in Zürich
Federal polytechnic school of Lausanne
Federal University of Minas Gerais of Brazil
Financial university under the government of the Russian Federation
Financial university under the government of the Russian Federation
Financial university under the government of the Russian Federation
First Department of English Language
First Moscow state medical university named after I.M.Sechenov
First Moscow state medical university named after I.M.Sechenov
First Moscow state medical university named after I.M.Sechenov
First Moscow state medical university named after I.M.Sechenov
First Moscow state medical university named after I.M.Sechenov
First Moscow state medical university named after I.M.Sechenov
First Moscow state medical university named after I.M.Sechenov
Fudan university
G. Tsereteli oriental studies institute
Gavar State University
General chairs
Georgian technical university
GIS and Remote Sensing
Global administration and regional policy
Goethe university Frankfurt
Goris State University
Graduate School of Business of Moscow State University
Greenhouse department
Grenoble Alpes university
Grigor Narekatsi University
Group for Ethnopsychological Studies
Group of Ancient and Old History Study
Group of Archaeological Study
Group of Cell technologies
Group of Ethno-musicological Studies
Group of Ethnological Survey
Group of Folklore Studies
Group of Molecular neurology
Group of New and Modern History Study
Group of Plant genetics and immunology
Gubkin Russian state university of oil and gas
Gymnastics & Sport Dances
Hebrew university of Jerusalem
Heidelberg University
Heidelberg University
Hellenic Center-Library
High Energy Astrophysics
High Performance Computing Systems
Histochemistry and Electromicroscopy
History of the Armenian Philosophy
Hitotsubashi university of Japan
Hohai university of China
Hohai university of China
Human Psychophysiology
Human resource management
Hunan university
Hydrological laboratory
ICT Innovation and Business
Immunology and Tissue Engineering
Imperial college London
Imperial college London
Individual Researcher - Gyulbudaghian Armen
Information and Public Communication Technologies Training Center
Information Security Instructor
Information Theory and Statistical Models Department
Informational-Analytical Center for Risk Assessment of Food Chain
Institute of applied problems of physics of NAS RA
Institute of Asian and African countries of Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov
Institute of biomedicine and pharmacy
Institute of Economics and Business
Institute of Energy Electrical Engineering
Institute of Engineering and Physics
Institute of ethnology and anthropology named after N.N. Miklukho-Maklai of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of geology of national academy of sciences of Georgia
Institute of Humanities
Institute of Hydroecology and Ichthyology
Institute of hydrogeology and engineering geology of Georgian academy of sciences
Institute of Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Electronics
Institute of Law and Politics
Institute of legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Institute of mathematics and computer science
Institute of mathematics of the polish academy of sciences
Institute of Media, Advertising and Film Production
Institute of neurosurgery named after A.P. Romodanov of Ukraine
Institute of Organic Chemistry of NAS RA
Institute of oriental studies of the Russian academy ofsciences
Institute of pharmacology and toxicology of national academy of medical sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Pharmacy
Institute of problems of microelectronics technology and pure materials of the Russian academy of sciences
Institute of psychology named after D.Uznadze
Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Sciences of Georgia
Institute of Russian Philology
Institute of state and law of the Russian academy of sciences
Institute of state and law of the Russian academy of sciences
Institute of System Programming named after V.P. Ivannikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of world history of the Russian academy of sciences
Institute of Zoology
Integrative Biology
International Black Sea university of Georgia
International Black Sea university of Georgia
International Laboratory of Physical Ecology
Iowa state university of USA
Ishlinsky institute for problems in mechanics of the Russian akademy of sciences
Isotopes Research and Production Department
Jagiellonian university of Krakow
Jagiellonian university of Krakow
Jilin university
Jilin university
Jilin university
Journalism Research Center
Kazakh national university
Kazan federal university
Kazan State University
Kharkiv institute for advanced medical studies
Kiev international civil aviation university
Kiev national aviation university
Kobe university of Japan
Krasnodar university of the ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation
Kuban state university
Kuban state university
Kyiv national university of construction and architecture
Kyrgyz-Russian slavic university of Bishkek
Laboratory in Psychology of Personality and Professional Activities
Laboratory of Applied Chemistry Problems
Laboratory of Automated Identification Technologies (Launched in partnership with Intermec Technologies Corporation)
Laboratory of Chemistry of Newly Synthetic Natural and Synthetic Compounds
Laboratory of entomology and soil zoology
Laboratory of Experimental Psychology
Laboratory of Experimental Researches
Laboratory of fungal biology and biotechnology
Laboratory of general helminthology and parasitology
Laboratory of genetics
Laboratory of Herbal Chemistry
Laboratory of Human Genomics and Immunomics
Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MMR)
Laboratory of Military Science
Laboratory of natural unsaturated compounds
Laboratory of nitrogen compounds
Laboratory of nitrogen heterocycles
Laboratory of NO-Synthesis Activity Complex
Laboratory of Petrology and Isotope Geology
Laboratory of pharmacology and pathology
Laboratory of phosphorus compounds
Laboratory of physiologically active amino acids and peptides
Laboratory of physiology of animal behavior
Laboratory of Renewable Energy and Ecology
Laboratory of Synthesis of Cancer Compounds
Laboratory of synthesis of psychoactive compounds
Laboratory of synthesis of spirocyclic compounds
Laboratory of the Personal and Social Environment
Laboratory of Toxicology and Chemotherapy
Laboratory of zoology of vertebrates
Laval university
Le Mans University of France
Leipzig University
Lomonosov Moscow state university
Louisiana state university
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Yerevan Branch
Martin Luther university Halle-Wittenberg
Masdar institute of science and technology of Abu Dhabi
Massachusetts institute of technology
Massachusetts institute of technology
Mathematical Logic and Applications
Mechanical Engineering, Transportation Systems and Design Institute
Merzhanov institute of structural macrokinetics and materials science
Merzhanov institute of structural macrokinetics and materials science
Merzhanov institute of structural macrokinetics and materials science
Mesrob Arch. Ashjian Center
Mesrop Mashtots University
Microwave Systems and Measurements Laboratory
Migration Competence Center
Mikhailovsky military artillery academy of Russia
Military Academy Named after V.Sargsyan
Military academy of the border troops of Russia
Military academy of the general staff of the armed forces of Russia
Military academy of the general staff of the armed forces of Russia
Military academy of the general staff of the armed forces of Russia
Military university of the ministry of defense of the Russian Federation
Modeling of Multiscale Physical-Chemical Processes
Modern Armenian department
Molecular and cellular immunology
Molecular enzymology
Molecular genetics
Molecular membranology
Montpellier II university
Montpellier II university
Montpellier III university
Montpellier III university
Montpellier III university
Montpellier university
Moscow academy of economics and law
Moscow city research institute of emergency care named after N.V. Sklifosovsky
Moscow energy institute
Moscow energy institute
Moscow institute of electronic technology
Moscow research institute of eye diseases
Moscow Research Institute of Parasitology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Otorhinolaryngology named after L.I. Sverzhevsky
Moscow state conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky
Moscow state industrial university
Moscow state institute of culture
Moscow state institute of international relations
Moscow state institute of international relations
Moscow state law university named after O. E. Kutafin
Moscow state law university named after O. E. Kutafin
Moscow state linguistic university
Moscow state linguistic university
Moscow state technological university "Stankin"
Moscow state university of civil engineering
Moscow state university of civil engineering
Moscow state university of economics, statistics and informatics
Moscow state university of economics, statistics and informatics
Moscow state university of food production
Moscow state university of management
Moscow state university of management
Moscow state university of management
Moscow state university of management
Moscow state university of management
Moscow state university of management
Moscow state university of management
Moscow state university of management
Moscow state university of printing
Moscow technical university of communications and informatics
Moscow university of the Russian Federation ministry of internal affairs named V.Ya.Kikotya
N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
Nanjing university
NAS RA Mnjoyan Institute of Fine Organic Chemistry
National and Kapodistrian university of Athens
National Center for Disease Control and Prevention
National institute of phthisiology and pulmonology named after F.G. Yanovsky of Ukraine
National medical research center for surgery named after A.V. Vishnevsky
National metallurgical academy of Ukraine
National polytechnic university of Armenia
National Research Tomsk State University
National research university "Moscow power engineering institute"
National research university "Moscow power engineering institute"
National university of Singapore
Network and Cloud Services
Neuroendocrine relationships
New Constructions Group
Nizhny Novgorod academy of the ministry of internal affairs of Russian Federation
Non-Stable Phenomena
Non-traditional crops department
NRC "Nanotechnologies in Electronics" Scientific and Educational Center (SCC)
On the Russian Language and Methodology Center
Optical spectroscopy laboratory
Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev
Osteological collection
P.N. Lebedev physical institute of the Russian academy of sciences
Pacific Western university of California
Paris Diderot university – Paris VII
Pedagogy and Education Development Center
Pedagogy and Language Teaching Hall
Perm state national research university
Phys. chemical research group
Physical chemical and biological systems research laboratory
Physical education and health technologies
Physiology & Sports Medicine
Physiology of Autonomic Nervous System
Pierre and Marie Curie University-Paris VI
Pierre and Marie Curie University-Paris VI
Plant biochemistry, physiology and processing department
Plekhanov Russian university of economics
Plekhanov Russian university of economics
Plekhanov Russian university of economics
Plekhanov Russian university of economics
Plekhanov Russian university of economics
Plekhanov Russian university of economics
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Yerevan Branch
Polish institute for low-temperature and structural research
Polish university of Jan Kokhanowski in Kielce
Political governance and public policy
Political journalism and PR technologie
Political science
Poltava state medical and dental university
Polymeric dispersion laboratory
Polynomials over Finite Fields, Design and Analysis of Symmetric Ciphers
Polytechnic school of California
Psychology of governance
Public administration and local self-governance
Publishing and editorial department
Purification, Certification and Standardization of physiologically active substances
Pushkov institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radiowave propagation of the Russian academy of sciences
Reading Hall
Regulation of cellular activity
Research and Education Center for Global Development and Megaeconomics
Research institute for the promotion of law and order under the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation
Research institute for the promotion of law and order under the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation
Research Institute of Biology
Research institute of Physics
Research laboratory for the synthesis of heterocyclic amino acids
Research Laboratory of Applied Geology
Research Laboratory of Applied Sociology
Research Laboratory of British Literature and Language Culture
Research Laboratory of Mathematics
Research Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Medicine
Research Laboratory of Nanoplasmonics
Research Laboratory of Neutron Stars
Research of mass murders of Armenians in the Transcaucasia region
Restoration Department
Romanian Culture Center
Romanian national university of political studies and public administration
Rostov state medical university
Rostov state university of construction
Rostov state university of economics
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
RUDN university
Russian academy of justice
Russian academy of national economy and public administration
Russian academy of national economy and public administration
Russian academy of national economy and public administration
Russian academy of national economy and public administration
Russian academy of psychology
Russian Academy of public administration
Russian Academy of public administration
Russian Academy of public administration
Russian Academy of public administration
Russian Academy of public administration
Russian Academy of public administration
Russian Academy of public administration
Russian cardiology research and production complex
Russian central research institute of dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery
Russian central research institute of epidemiology
Russian institute for advanced medical studies at the ministry of defense
Russian institute for advanced medical studies at the ministry of defense
Russian institute for advanced studies of the federal biomedical agency of Russia
Russian institute for information transmission problems named after A. A. Kharkevich
Russian institute for information transmission problems named after A. A. Kharkevich
Russian institute for information transmission problems named after A. A. Kharkevich
Russian institute of legislation and comparative law
Russian institute of legislation and comparative law
Russian institute of mineralogy, geochemistry and crystal chemistry of rare elements
Russian institute of rheumatology
Russian institute of theory and history of pedagogy
Russian international academy of tourism
Russian joint institute for nuclear research
Russian joint institute for nuclear research
Russian joint institute for nuclear research
Russian joint institute for nuclear research
Russian joint institute for nuclear research
Russian joint-stock company "Dentistry"
Russian joint-stock company "Dentistry"
Russian medical academy of continuing professional education
Russian medical academy of postgraduate education
Russian medical academy of postgraduate education
Russian medical academy of postgraduate education
Russian N. Semenov institute of chemical physics
Russian national medical research center for rehabilitation and balneology
Russian national medical research center named after V.A. Almazov
Russian national medical research center named after V.A. Almazov
Russian national scientific center for addiction
Russian research center of oncology
Russian research center of oncology
Russian research institute of traumatology and orthopedics named after R.R. Vreden
Russian research institute of traumatology and orthopedics named after R.R. Vreden
Russian research neurosurgical institute named after professor A. L. Polenov
Russian scientific center for children's health
Russian scientific center for radiology
Russian scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakov
Russian scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakov
Russian scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakov
Russian south federal university
Russian south federal university
Russian south federal university
Russian state geological exploration university named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze
Russian state hydrometeorological university
Russian state institute of art studies
Russian state institute of art studies
Russian state open technical university of railway engineering
Russian state pedagogical university named after A.I. Herzen
Russian state pedagogical university named after A.I. Herzen
Russian state pedagogical university named after A.I. Herzen
Russian state pedagogical university named after A.I. Herzen
Russian state pedagogical university named after A.I. Herzen
Russian state social university
Russian state university - educational scientific industrial complex
Russian state university for the humanities
Russian state university for the humanities
Russian state university for the humanities
Russian state university for the humanities
Russian state university of physical education, sport, youth and tourism
Russian state university of tourism and services studies
Ryazan state medical university named after academician I.P. Pavlov
Saarland University of German
Saint Petersburg electrotechnical university
Saint Petersburg polytechnic university of Peter the Great
Saint Petersburg state pediatric medical university
Saint Petersburg State University of Economics
Saint Petersburg state university of engineering and economics
Saint Petersburg university of economics
Saint Petersburg university of economics
Saint Petersburg university of economics
Saint-Petersburg institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after I. E. Repin
Saint-Petersburg medical university
Saint-Petersburg medical university
Saint-Petersburg military medical academy named after S. M. Kirov
Saint-Petersburg military medical academy named after S. M. Kirov
Saint-Petersburg military medical academy named after S. M. Kirov
Saint-Petersburg state university
Saint-Petersburg state university
Saint-Petersburg state university
Saint-Petersburg state university of engineering and economics
Saint-Petersburg state university of engineering and economics
Saint-Petersburg state university of engineering and economics
Samara state medical university
Saratov state medical university
School of hygiene and tropical medicine of University of London
Scientific center of cardiovascular surgery named after A.N.Bakulev
Scientific center of cardiovascular surgery named after A.N.Bakulev
Scientific center of cardiovascular surgery named after A.N.Bakulev
Scientific center of cardiovascular surgery named after A.N.Bakulev
Scientific collection of invertebrates
Scientific institutes and centers
Scientific Laboratory of Mechanics
Scientific library
Scientific Programming Laboratory of Systems Programming (in collaboration with RF NAS Institute of Systems Programming opened at RAU)
Scientific research institute of pharmacology named after V.V. Zakusov
Scientific research institute of pharmacology named after V.V. Zakusov
Scientific Research Laboratory «Chemistry of Nitrogen- , oxygen- and sulfur- containing heterocycle compounds»
Scientific-analytical Centre of Constitutional Economics
Second Department of English Language
Semiconductor Nanoelctronics Laboratory
Sensorimotor Integration
Shandong university of China
Shandong university of China
Shanghai university
Shanghai university of finance and economics
Shanghai university of finance and economics
Technology of SHS
Shushi University of Technology
Siberian federal university of Krasnoyarsk
Slovak university of agriculture in Nitra
Smooth Muscle Physiology
Solanaceae vegetable crops breeding, seed breeding and technology department
Sorbonne university
Special Colorings of Graphs
Sport pedagogy and management
Sport Pedagogy and Psychology after A.Lalayan
Sports Games
Sports Journalism & Chess
Sports Management & Social Science
Stanford university
State academy of light industry of Ukraine
State Russian Museum
State university of New York
Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Swedish royal institute of technology
Swedish royal institute of technology
Swedish royal institute of technology
Swedish royal institute of technology
Synthesis of inorganic compounds, basic laboratory for research and application
Tajik state medical university
Tambov state technical university
Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv
Tbilisi state university
Tbilisi state university
Technical university of Lisbon
Technical university of Lisbon
Technical university of Munich
Terahertz waves laboratory
The annuals of Hovhannes Tumanyan’s life and creative works
The Armenian Genocide Victims’ Documentation and Data Collection Department
The central astronomical observatory of the Russian academy of sciences at Pulkovo
The Chair of French Philology
The Chair of Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits
The college of William & Mary of Virginia
The college of William & Mary of Virginia
The department of armenian diaspora literature
The department of foreign literature and comparative literature
The department of literary theory
The department of new armenian literature
The department of textology
The Doctoral School of Astronomy and Astrophysics of Ile-de-France
The group of annual creative activity and life of the armenian classics
The Lobby of Theory of Linguistics and Communication
The State University Rutgers of New Jersey, Newark
The university of Chicago
The university of Edinburgh
The university of Manchester
The University of Pavia
The university of Sheffield
The University of Traditional Medicine
The Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod state university
The Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute
Theoretical Astrophysics
Theoretical Philosophy
Theoretical Physics Division
Theoretical Physics Division Laboratory
Theoretical Physics Laboratory
Tor Vergata university of Rome
Toulouse III Paul Sabatier university of France
Tourism administration
Tourism and Service Scientific Training Center
Toxinology and Molecular Systematics
Translation laboratory
Translation Studies Department
Tula state university
Tver state university
Tver State University
Ukrainian Institute of Electric Welding named after E.O. Patona
Ukrainian institute of occupational medicine
UNESCO Chair on Human Rights, Democracy and Political Science (including Center for Prospective Studies and Initiatives)
University Paris VIII
University Chairs
University hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
University of Bayreuth
University of Beijing
University of Bonn
University of Bucharest
University of Bucharest
University of Burgundy in Dijon
University of Cambridge
University of Cannes France
University of Cologne
University of Colorado
University of Craiova
University of Daugavpils
University of economics in Bratislava
University of economics, Prague
University of economics, Prague
University of Economy and Law after Avetik Mkrtchyan
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
University of Freiburg
University of Freiburg
University of Glasgow
University of Hamburg
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Isfahan
University of Maryland
University of Maryland
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Nantes in France
University of Navarra
University of Neuchatel
University of Oxford
University of Paris XI
University of Potsdam
University of Practical Psychology and Sociology "Urartu"
University of Rocheste
University of Rostock
University of Salerno
University of Stuttgart
University of Tehran
University of Trento
University of Trier
University of Turin
University of Vienna
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
University of Western Paris - Nanterre la Défense
University of Zurich
Uppsala University
Ural federal university named after B.N. Yeltsin
Ural state medical academy of continuing education
Vazgen Sargsyan Military University
Vladikavkaz North Ossetian state university named after K. L. Khetagurov
Volgograd state university
Volgograd state university of architecture and civil engineering
Volgograd state university of architecture and civil engineering
Volgograd state university of architecture and civil engineering
Voronezh state technical university
Voronezh state university
Weightlifting, Boxing, Fencing
West university of Timisoara
West university of Timisoara
West Virginia university
Western Armenian section
Westfalische Wilhelms-University of Munster, German
Witten/Herdecke university of German
Wuhan university of technology
X-ray studies and part. spectroscopy laboratory
Yale University
Yaroslavl state university named after P.G.Demidov
Yaroslavl state university named after P.G.Demidov
Yelets state university named after I.A. Bunin
Yerevan "Haybusak" University
Yerevan Mesrop Mashtots University
Young Stellar Objects
YSU Legal Clinic
Zhongnan university of economics and law
Zoological institute of the Russian academy of sciences
Zoological museum
“The Armenian Climate Technology Academic Network”
«Լազերային տեխնիկա» գիտարտադրական միավորում
«Պարեն» ԳԱՆՊՁ
Кафедра транспортных средств
Սարատովի պետական համալսարան
Северо-Осетинский государственный университет
Ա.Ալիխանյանի անվան Ազգային գիտական լաբորատորիա
Ադրբեջանի պետական համալսարան
Ազգային ռազմավարական հետազոտությունների ինստիտուտ
Գյուղատնտեսության մեքենայացման և էլեկտրաֆիկացման ԳՀԻ
Դամասկոսի պետական համալսարան
Իրավագիտության և քաղաքագիտության ամբիոն
Խաղողապտղագինեգործության գիտական կենտրոն
Կառավարման և տնտեսական բարեփոխումների ինստիտուտ
Հայաստանի պետական ճարտարագիտական համալսարան (Գյումրի)
Հայոց լեզվի և գրականության ամբիոն
ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Իրավունքի և փիլիսոփայության ինստիտուտ
ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Միկրոբիոլգիայի ինստիտուտ
ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Նուրբ օրգանական քիմիայի ինստիտուտ
ՀՀ ԳԱԱ օրգանական քիմիայի ինստիտուտ
ՀՀ կիրառական քիմիայի ԳՀԻ
ՀՀ ՊՆ Ազգային ռազմավարական հետազոտությունների ինստիտուտ
ՀՀ ՊՆ ՀՀ Ազգային ռազմավարական հետազոտությունների ինստիտուտ
Հյուսիսային Օսիայի պետական համալսարան
Հողագիտության և ագրոքիմիայի ԳՀԻ
ճարտարապետության և շինարարության Հայաստանի ազգային համալսարան
Մանկավարժության ամբիոն
Միկրոէլեկտրոնային սխեմաների և համակարգերի ամբիոն
Պետաիրավական ուսումնասիրություններ
Պետական գույքի կառավարման վարչության կառավարման և տնտեսական բարեփոխում
Պետական գույքի կառավարման վարչության կառավարման և տնտեսական բարեփոխումների ինստիտուտ
Ռադիոֆիզիկայի գիտահետազոտական ինստիտուտ
Ռադիոֆիզիկայի ԳՀԻ
Ռազմական ամբիոն
ՌԴ ՆԳՆ Կրասնոդարի համալսարան
Տնտեսագիտական հետազոտությունների ինստիտուտ
Algorithms Theory and Automated Program Synthesis
Department of Armenian Folklore Textology
Department of Music
Error Control Codes and Information Security Problems Related to Cloud Applications
Group of traditional dance studies
ICT Innovation and Business Center
Inverse Combinatorial Problems and Algorithms
Laboratory of conservation and off-site processing
Laboratory of Ore Deposits
Liquid Phase Free Radical Reactions
Mathematical and Applied Statistics
Optics Laboratory
Plant Import Division
Systems of Remote Monitoring and Control
Atomic Spectroscopy Laboratory
Automata Theory, Self-organized Network Models and Applications
Department of Diaspora studies
Department of Folk Music
Department of Geophysics and Plant Ecological Physiology
Digital Signal and Image Processing Systems
Discrete Mathematics Department
Extremal Problems of Graph Theory
Karashamb Necropolis Research Group
Kinetics of SHS
Laboratory of Lithology and Regional Geology
Mathematical Modelling of Distributed Systems
Reliability Criterion in Information Theory
Computational and Cognitive Networks Department
Critical Technologies of Image Processing
Department of Architecture
Department of Contemporary Anthropological Studies
Department of the Medieval Archaeology of Armenia
Discrete Analysis and Recognition
Dynamical Systems and Networks
Kinetics and Catalysis
Laboratory of Hydrogeochemistry
Matter-Wave Physics Laboratory
Coding and Signal Processing Department
Cognitive Algorithms and Models
Department of Armenian Ethnograpahy
Department of the Early Archaeology of Armenia
Fine Arts Department
Kapan Laboratory of Mining & Ore-dressing
Laboratory of Geoinformatics and Library
Photonics Laboratory
Applied Ethnography
Applied Programming Systems Department
Department of the Ancient Archaeology of Armenia
Hydrocarbon Oxidation
Laboratory of Geodynamic and Geological hazardous
Laser Physics and Spectroscopy Laboratory
Archaeobiology Group
Chain and Radical Reactions
Laboratory of Geoarcheology and Geomonitoring
Models of Computations and Logical Reasoning Department
Non-Linear Crystals Laboratory
Crystal Optics Laboratory
Department of Epigraphy
Laboratory of Chemistry
Scientific Information Analysis and Monitoring Center
Arabkir Medical Center – Institute of Child and Adolescent Health
Geological Museum
Scientific Computing Center
Scientific Instrumentation Laboratory
Armbiotechnology Scientific and Production Center
Laboratory of Volcanology
Scintillating Materials Laboratory
Armenian genocide museum-institute foundation
Material Science Laboratory
Solid State Physics Laboratory
Group of Sensor Technologies
Group of Scientific Engineering
Armenian National Agrarian University
Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport
Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan
Armenian State University of Economics
Astghik Medical Center
Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center
Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory after V. Ambartsumian, NAS RA
Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies NAS RA
Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission
European University
Food safety risk analysis and assessment research center
French University in Armenia
Gevorkian Theological Seminary
Hematology center after prof. R.Yeolyan
Hydromechanics and Vibrotechnics Section of NAS RA CJSC
IcraNET-Yerevan Center
Institute of Arts
Institute of Biochemistry after H. Buniatyan
Institute of Botany after A.L. Takhtajyan
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry after M.G. Manvelyan of NAS RA
Institute of Geological Sciences
Institute of Economics after M. Kotanyan NAN RA
Institute of Chemical Physics after A.B. Nalbandyan
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems
Institute of Archeology and Ethnography
Institute for Physical Research
Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA
Institute Of Applied Chemistry "Ariac"
Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A. Nazarov
Institute of History
Institute of Hydroponics Problems after G.S. Davtyan NAS RA
Institute of Language after H. Acharian
Institute of Literature after M. Abeghyan
Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA
Institute of Mechanics
Institute of Molecular Biology
Institute of Oriental Studies
Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of NAS RA
Institute of Physiology after L.A. Orbeli
Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS RA
International Scientific-Educational Center NAS RA
Institute of Water Problems and Hydro-Engineering named after I.V. Yeghiazarov
Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas
Lernametalurgiai Institute
Matenadaran Mesrop Mashtots Research Institute of Ancient Manuscripts
Mikaelyan institute of surgery
Mkhitar Gosh Armenian-Russian International University
Multi Agro Beekeeping Scientific Production Center
National Center Of Oncology Named After V.A. Fanarjian
National Defense Research University, MOD, RA
National Institute of Health
National Institute Of Metrology
National Polytechnic University of Armenia
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia
Northern University
Public Administration Academy of the RA
Republican Institute Of Reproductive Health, Perinatology, Obstetrics And Gynaecology
Research Center of Maternal and Child Health Protection
Research Center of Radiation Medicine and Burns
Research institute of cardiology named after Levon Hovhannisyan
Russian-Armenian University
Scientific Center Of Agriculture
Scientific Center Of Drug And Medical Technology Expertise After Academician Emil Gabrielyan
Scientific Center of Trauma and Orthopaedics
Scientific center of vegetable and industrial crops
Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology
Scientific Research Institute of Energy
Scientific Research Institute of Spa Treatment and Physical Medicine
Scientific Technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Shirak Armenology Research Center, NAS RA
Shirak State University named after M. Nalbandyan
State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia
Vanadzor State University After Hovhannes Tumanyan
Yerevan "Gladzor" University
V. Brusov State University
Yerevan Computer Research and Development Institute
Yerevan State Institute Of Theatre And Cinematography
Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi
Yerevan State University
Ամսաթիվ (YYYY-MM)
- Any -
Mathematics and Physics (Ա.00.00)
-Mathematics (Ա.01.00)
-Mathematical analysis (Ա.01.01)
-Differential equations, mathematical physics (Ա.01.02)
-Geometry and topology (Ա.01.04)
-Theory of relativity and mathematical statistics (Ա.01.05)
-Algebra and number theory (Ա.01.06)
-Computational mathematics (Ա.01.07)
-Mathematical cybernetics and Mathematical logic (Ա.01.09)
-Mechanics (Ա.02.00)
-Classical mechanics (Ա.02.01)
-The mechanics of deformable solid bodies (Ա.02.04)
-The mechanics of fluids (liquids, gases and plasmas) (Ա.02.05)
-Biomechanics (Ա.02.08)
-Astronomy (Ա.03.00)
-Astronomy and celestial mechanics (Ա.03.01)
-Astrophysics, radio astronomy (Ա.03.02)
-Physics (Ա.04.00)
-Theoretical physics (Ա.04.02)
-Radio physics (Ա.04.03)
-Optics (Ա.04.05)
-Acoustics (Ա.04.06)
-Condensed matter physics (Ա.04.07)
-Plasma physics (Ա.04.08)
-Physics of semiconductors (Ա.04.10)
-Nuclear, elementary particle and cosmic radiation physics (Ա.04.16)
-Physics of beams and accelerator technology (Ա.04.20)
-Laser physics (Ա.04.21)
Chemical Sciences (Բ.00.00)
-Inorganic chemistry (Բ.00.01)
-Organic chemistry (Բ.00.03)
-Physical chemistry (Բ.00.04)
-Supramolecular chemistry (Բ.00.06)
-Bioorganic chemistry (Բ.00.10)
Biological Sciences (Գ.00.00)
-Biophysics and bioinformatics (Գ.00.02)
-Molecular and cell biology (Գ.00.03)
-Biochemistry (Գ.00.04)
-Botany, mycology, ecology (Գ.00.05)
-Virology, immunology (Գ.00.06)
-Microbiology, biotechnology (Գ.00.07)
-Zoology, parasitology, ecology (Գ.00.08)
-Animal physiology (including human’s) (Գ.00.09)
-Anthropology (Գ.00.10)
-Genetics (Գ.00.15)
Engineering Science (Ե.00.00)
-Applied geometry and engineering graphics (Ե.01.01)
-Machine building & Mechanical sciences (Ե.02.00)
-Mechanical science (Ե.02.01)
-Robots, mechatronics, robotics (Ե.02.02)
-Machine building manufacturing technologies and equipment (Ե.02.03)
-Transport, mountain & construction machines (Ե.05.00)
-Automobiles and tractors (Ե.05.01)
-Highway, construction and mountain machinery (Ե.05.02)
-Electro engineering (Ե.09.00)
-Electro engineering, electromechanics, electrotechnologies (Ե.09.01)
-Instrumentation, metrology and information measuring devices (Ե.11.00)
-The methods of information receiving and measuring, instruments and systems (Ե.11.01)
-Instrument manufacturing technologies (Ե.11.14)
-Metrology and metrology guarantee (Ե.11.15)
-Equipment designed for medical purposes, systems and products (Ե.11.17)
-Radio engineering & communication (Ե.12.00)
-Radio engineering, radio frequency devices, systems, technologies (Ե.12.01)
-Long-distance communication networks, equipment and systems (Ե.12.03)
-Informatics, computer engineering & automation (Ե.13.00)
-Control, control systems and their components (Ե.13.01)
-Automation systems (Ե.13.02)
-Computing machines, networks/complexes, systems, computers, grids, their components and equipment (Ե.13.03)
-Provision of mathematical equations and programs for computing machines, complexes, networks and systems (Ե.13.04)
-Mathematical modeling, digital methods and program complexes (Ե.13.05)
-Energy systems (Ե.14.00)
-Electric power systems, complexes, electric power stations and their control (Ե.14.01)
-Nuclear power stations (Ե.14.02)
-Thermal energy systems (Ե.14.03)
-Power energy systems with renewal and alternative sources of energy (Ե.14.04)
-Metallurgy (Ե.16.02)
-Materials science (Ե.16.01)
-Chemical Engineering (Ե.17.00)
-Technology of inorganic materials (Ե.17.01)
-Electrochemical productions, chemical resistance and defense of materials (Ե.17.03)
-The synthesizing & recycling technology of organic material (Ե.17.04)
-Food industry (Ե.18.00)
-Reprocessing and production technologies of vegetal and meat branch of food industry (Ե.18.01)
-Automation of agricultural products & machines (Ե.20.01)
-Technology of light industry materials & products (Ե.19.00)
-Light industry materials science, product science and technology (Ե.19.01)
-Nutritionology (Ե.18.11)
-Civil engineering (Ե.23.00)
-Construction engineering, buildings, erections and civil engineering materials, Mechanics of civil engineering (Ե.23.01)
-Municipal or urban, plant layout, hydraulic, transportation and geotechnical engineering (Ե.23.02)
-Supplying buildings and erections with engineering resources (energy, hydraulic, etc.) (Ե.23.03)
-Water resource systems and exploitation (Ե.23.05)
-Geodesy, cartography and cadaster (Ե.23.06)
-Electronics (Ե.27.00)
-Electronics, microelectronics and nano-electronics, (Ե.27.01)
Agricultural Sciences (Զ.00.00)
-Agronomy (Զ.01.00)
-General agriculture, soil science, hydroland, agricultural chemistry and agroecology (Զ.01.01)
-Horticulture, Grapevines, fruit breeding and plant protection (Զ.01.02)
-Animal breeding (Զ.02.00)
-Agricultural animal breeding, selection and insemination, captive breeding (Զ.02.01)
History (Է.00.00)
-Armenian history (Է.00.01)
-Archeology (Է.00.03)
-Anthropology (ethnology) (Է.00.04)
-Historiography, bibliography (Է.00.05)
-World history (Է.00.02)
Economics (Ը.00.00)
-The theory of economic science and the history of economic thought (Ը.00.01)
-Economy, the economics of its spheres and control (Ը.00.02)
-Finances, bookkeeping accounting (Ը.00.03)
-International economics (Ը.00.06)
-Տնտեսության մաթեմատիկական մոդելավորում (Ը.00.08)
Philosophy (Թ.00.00)
-Philosophy (Թ.00.01)
-Theory and history of religion (Թ.00.05)
-Philosophy of art (Թ.00.06)
Philology (Ժ.00.00)
-Literature (Ժ.01.00)
-Armenian medieval and new literature (Ժ.01.01)
-Armenian contemporary literature (Ժ.01.02)
-Russian literature (Ժ.01.03)
-Theory of literature (Ժ.01.04)
-Literary folklore, folk stories (Ժ.01.05)
-Journalism (Ժ.01.06)
-Foreign literature (Ժ.01.07)
-The science of library, paleography and archive (Ժ.01.09)
-Linguistics (Ժ.02.00)
-Armenian language (Ժ.02.01)
-General and comparative linguistics (Ժ.02.02)
-Slavic languages (Ժ.02.04)
-Old and new Asian languages (Ժ.02.06)
-Germanic languages (Ժ.02.07)
Law (ԺԲ.00.00)
-The theory and history of administrative and legal law, the history of administrative and legal studies (ԺԲ.00.01)
-Civil law* (ԺԲ.00.02)
-Property law* (ԺԲ.00.03)
-Jurisdiction* (ԺԲ.00.04)
-Criminal law & criminology, law enforcement rights (ԺԲ.00.05)
-International law (ԺԲ.00.06)
Pedagogy (ԺԳ.00.00)
-Theory and practice of pedagogy (ԺԳ.00.01)
-Teaching and learning methodology (according to fields) (ԺԳ.00.02)
-Special pedagogy (typhlopedagogy, signopedagogy and oligophrenopedagogy, speech therapy, ergotherapy). (ԺԳ.00.03)
Medical sciences (ԺԴ.00.00)
-Midwifery and genecology (ԺԴ.00.01)
-Human anatomy, the study of tissues, cytology, embryology (ԺԴ.00.02)
-Internal diseases (ԺԴ.00.03)
-Cardiology (ԺԴ.00.04)
-Hygiene, specialized diagnosis and toxicology (ԺԴ.00.05)
-Pediatrics (ԺԴ.00.06)
-Neurology, psychiatry and narcology (ԺԴ.00.07)
-Oncology (ԺԴ.00.08)
-Anatomical pathology and forensics (ԺԴ.00.09)
-Pathophysiology and conventional physiology (ԺԴ.00.10)
-Radiology (ԺԴ.00.11)
-Dentistry (ԺԴ.00.12)
-Traumatology and orthopedics (ԺԴ.00.13)
-Pharmacology (ԺԴ.00.14)
-Surgery (ԺԴ.00.15)
-Epidemiology (ԺԴ.00.16)
-Public health and organization of health care (ԺԴ.00.17)
-Otorhinolaryngology (ԺԴ.00.18)
-Ophthalmology (ԺԴ.00.19)
-Anesthesiology and post-anesthesia recovery (ԺԴ.00.20)
-Urology (ԺԴ.00.21)
Pharmaceutics (ԺԵ.00.00)
-Pharmaceuticals (ԺԵ.00.01)
Veterinary sciences (ԺԶ.00.00)
-Veterinary science (ԺԶ.00.01)
Fine art (ԺԷ.00.00)
-Theatre, film, television (ԺԷ.00.01)
-Music (ԺԷ.00.02)
-Fine art, decorative & applied art, design (ԺԷ.00.03)
Architecture (ԺԸ.00.00)
-Architecture (ԺԸ.00.01)
Psychological sciences (ԺԹ.00.00)
-General psychology, theory and history of psychology, personality psychology (ԺԹ.00.01)
-Social psychology (ԺԹ.00.03)
-Clinical, special psychology (ԺԹ.00.04)
-Developmental and educational psychology (ԺԹ.00.05)
-Political and legal psychology (ԺԹ.00.06)
-Military and emergency psychology (ԺԹ.00.07)
Military science (Ի.00.00)
-Military organization, control of the military (Ի.00.01)
-Strategy, operative art, tactics (Ի.00.02)
-Theory of shooting, control of fire (Ի.00.08)
-Civil defense, crisis control (Ի.00.09)
Sociology (ԻԲ.00.00)
-Methodology, theories of sociological research, social technologies and processes (ԻԲ.00.01)
Political sciences (ԻԳ.00.00)
-Theory of political sciences (ԻԳ.00.01)
-Political institutions and processes (ԻԳ.00.02)
-International relations (ԻԳ.00.04)
-National Security Systems and Processes (ԻԳ.00.05)
Earth sciences (ԻԴ.00.00)
-Geology (ԻԴ.01.00)
-General geology (ԻԴ.01.01)
-Geophysics, methods of useful ore exploration (ԻԴ.01.08)
-Subsoil sciences (ԻԴ.02.00)
-Valuable ore site development and exploitation (ԻԴ.02.01)
-Enrichment of valuable ores (ԻԴ.02.03)
-Geography (ԻԴ.03.01)
-Environmental science (ԻԴ.04.01)
-Hydrology-limnology, water resources, chemistry of water (ԻԴ.04.02)
Theory and history of religion (ԻԵ.00.00)
-Theology (ԻԵ.00.01)
- Any -
Agronomy (011)
Archeology and Ethnography (007)
Architecture (029)
Art Studies (016)
Biochemistry (042)
Biophysics (051)
Biotechnology (018)
Botany (035)
Chemistry (010)
Chemistry (017)
Construction (030)
Control and Automation (032)
Economics (008)
Economics (014)
Economics (015)
Electrical Engineering (038)
Foreign Languages (009)
Foreign Literature (066)
Geology (054)
Geophysics (040)
Geosciences (005)
History of Armenia (004)
Hydrology (055)
Informatics (037)
Jurisprudence (001)
Jurisprudence (063)
Linguistics (019)
Literature Studies (003)
Literature Studies (012)
Mathematics (050)
Mechanics (047)
Mechanization of Agriculture (033)
Mechine-bulding and Mechine Science (034)
Metallurgy and Materials Science (031)
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Oncology (061)
Organization of Public Health (045)
Pedagogy (020)
Pedagogy (058)
Pedagogy (065)
Philosophy (062)
Philosophy and Sociology (013)
Physics (024)
Physics (049)
Physics (052)
Physiology (023)
Political Science and International Relations (056)
Psychology (064)
Psychology (067)
Radio Engineering and Electronics (046)
Religious Studies (068)
Slavonic Languages (059)
Surgery (027)
Theoretical Medicine (026)
Therapy (028)
Veterinary Science (022)
World History (006)
World History (069)
Zoology (036)
Աչքի, ԼՕՌ հիվանդությունների և ստոմատոլոգիայի (025)
Աստղագիտության (048)
Dec 24 2015
Մխիթար Գոշը և իր «Գիրք դատարնի» երկը
Երևանի պետական համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Dec 24 2015
«Կանոնագիրք Հայոց» ժողովածուի կազմավորումը և զարգացման պատմությունը
Երևանի պետական համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Nov 26 2015
Աստվածաշունչը և հայոց էթնիկ ժառանգությունը
Երևանի պետական համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Jun 27 2015
Nostrification - 538
Էդինբուրգի համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Apr 08 2015
Գրիգոր Տաթևացու «Լուծմունք Յոբայ» երկը
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Oct 27 2014
Nostrification - 499
Շեֆիլդի համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Jul 18 2014
Մեծ հայրենադարձությունը և հայ եկեղեցին
Երևանի պետական համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Jul 14 2014
Դավիթ Անհաղթի «Ներբողեան ի սուրբ խաչն աստուածընկալ» երկը և դրա մեկնությունները (պատմագիտական և աստվածաբանական վերլուծություն)
Երևանի պետական համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Jul 14 2014
Եվագր Պոնտացին հայ մատենագրության մեջ
Երևանի պետական համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Jul 07 2014
Պատարագների պատվիրման առանձնահատկությունները վիմագիր և մատենագիր աղբյուրներում
Երևանի պետական համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Jul 07 2014
Կանոնական բնագրերը և հայ եկեղեցական իրավունքի պատմության խնդիրները (V-VIII դարեր)
Երևանի պետական համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Dec 25 2013
Հայ եկեղեցու դերը Կիլիկյան Հայաստանի քաղաքական կյանքում (1292-1375 թվականներ)
Երևանի պետական համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Dec 25 2013
Հովհաննես Սարկավագը և իր «Մեկնութիւն տումարիս Հայկազնեայ»-ն
Երևանի պետական համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Apr 04 2013
Վազգեն Ա Ամենայն հայոց կաթողիկոսի հասարակական և մշակութային գործունեությունը
Երևանի պետական համալսարան
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )
Feb 08 2008
Եվրոպայի միավորումը քրիստոնեակա՞ն նախագիծ է: Եվրոպական ինտեգրացիան և եկեղեցիների վերաբերմունքը էկումենիկ տեսանկյունից
Աստվածաբանություն ( ԻԵ.00.01 )