Order 08-Ա/1 on Approving the Decisions on Conferring the Academic Title of Associate Professor

To approve and to certify with diplomas:

1. Parandzem Slava Khachatryan in Medicine

2. Anna Gagik Hakobyan in Medicine

3. Hayk Vachagan Harutyunyan in Medicine

1. Koryun Abgar Abgaryan  in  Architecture

2. Anush Ashot Margaryan  in Civil engineering

3. Levon Avetis Avetisyan  in Civil engineering

1. Marine Ruslan Dallakyan  in Biology

  • The decision of the Academic Council of V. Brusov State University № 4 of 29.11.2024 to confer the academic title of Associate Professor on

1. Agnesa Artashes Shahnazaryan  in Pedagogy

1. Maria Stepan Grigoryan  in Biology
