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Paired galaxies with different activity levels and their supernovae
Astrophysics and Space Science

Հատոր. 347 No. 2 Էջ. 365-374 (2013)

URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1305.6595

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10509-013-1511-5

Նկարագրություն: We investigate the influence of close neighbor galaxies on the properties of supernovae (SNe) and their host galaxies using 56 SNe located in pairs of galaxies with different levels of star formation (SF) and nuclear activity. The statistical study of SN hosts shows that there is no significant difference between morphologies of hosts in our sample and the larger general sample of SN hosts in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 8 (DR8). The mean distance of type II SNe from nuclei of hosts is greater by about a factor of 2 than that of type Ibc SNe. The distributions and mean distances of SNe are consistent with previous results compiled with the larger sample. For the first time it is shown that SNe Ibc are located in pairs with significantly smaller difference of radial velocities between components than pairs containing SNe Ia and II. We consider this as a result of higher star formation rate (SFR) of these closer systems of galaxies. SN types are not correlated with the luminosity ratio of host and neighbor galaxies in pairs. The orientation of SNe with respect to the preferred direction toward neighbor galaxy is found to be isotropic and independent of kinematical properties of the galaxy pair.

On the Nature of Unconfirmed Supernovae

Հատոր. 56 No. 2 Էջ. 153-164 (2013)

URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1302.5783

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10511-013-9275-8

Նկարագրություն: We study the nature of 39 unconfirmed supernovae (SNe) from the sky area covered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 8 (DR8), using available photometric and imaging data and intensive literature search. We confirm that 21 objects are real SNe, 2 are Galactic stars, 4 are probable SNe, and 12 remain unconfirmed events. The probable types for 4 objects are suggested: 3 SNe are of probable type Ia, and SN 1953H is probable type II SN. In addition, we identify the host galaxy of SN 1976N and correct the offsets/coordinates of SNe 1958E, 1972F, and 1976N.

Close Neighbors of Markarian Galaxies. II. Statistics and Discussions

Հատոր. 57 No. 1 Էջ. 14-29 (2014)

URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1310.0241

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10511-014-9311-3

Նկարագրություն: According to the database from the first paper, we selected 180 pairs with dV < 800 km s-1 and Dp < 60 kpc containing Markarian (MRK) galaxies. We studied the dependence of galaxies' integral parameters, star-formation (SF), and active galactic nuclei (AGN) properties on kinematics of pairs, their structure, and large-scale environments. The following main results were obtained: projected radial separation Dp between galaxies correlates with the perturbation level P of the pairs. Both parameters do not correlate with line-of-sight velocity difference dV of galaxies. Dp and P are better measures of interaction strength than dV. The latter correlates with the density of large-scale environment and with the morphologies of galaxies. Both galaxies in a pair are of the same nature; the only difference is that MRK galaxies are usually brighter than their neighbors on average by 0.9 mag. Specific star formation rates (SSFR) of galaxies in pairs with smaller Dp or dV is on average 0.5 dex higher than that of galaxies in pairs with larger Dp or dV. Closeness of a neighbor with the same and later morphological type increases the SSFR, while earlier-type neighbors do not increase SSFR. Major interactions/mergers trigger SF and AGN more effectively than minor ones. The fraction of AGNs is higher in more perturbed pairs and pairs with smaller Dp. AGNs typically are in stronger interacting systems than star-forming and passive galaxies. There are correlations of both SSFRs and spectral properties of nuclei between pair members.

Supernovae and their host galaxies - II. The relative frequencies of supernovae types in spirals
L. S. Aramyan
D. Kunth
G. A. Mamon
V. de Lapparent
E. Bertin
J. M. Gomes
M. Turatto
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Հատոր. 444 No. 3 Էջ. 2428-2441 (2014)

URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1407.6896

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stu1598

Նկարագրություն: We present an analysis of the relative frequencies of different supernova (SN) types in spirals with various morphologies and in barred or unbarred galaxies. We use a well-defined and homogeneous sample of spiral host galaxies of 692 SNe from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey in different stages of galaxy-galaxy interaction and activity classes of nucleus. We propose that the underlying mechanisms shaping the number ratios of SNe types can be interpreted within the framework of interaction-induced star formation, in addition to the known relations between morphologies and stellar populations. We find a strong trend in behaviour of the NIa/NCC ratio depending on host morphology, such that early spirals include more Type Ia SNe. The NIbc/NII ratio is higher in a broad bin of early-type hosts. The NIa/NCC ratio is nearly constant when changing from normal, perturbed to interacting galaxies, then declines in merging galaxies, whereas it jumps to the highest value in post-merging/remnant galaxies. In contrast, the NIbc/NII ratio jumps to the highest value in merging galaxies and slightly declines in post-merging/remnant subsample. The interpretation is that the star formation rates and morphologies of galaxies, which are strongly affected in the final stages of interaction, have an impact on the number ratios of SNe types. The NIa/NCC (NIbc/NII) ratio increases (decreases) from star-forming to active galactic nuclei (AGN) classes of galaxies. These variations are consistent with the scenario of an interaction-triggered starburst evolving into AGN during the later stages of interaction, accompanied with the change of star formation and transformation of the galaxy morphology into an earlier type.

Supernovae and their host galaxies - IV. The distribution of supernovae relative to spiral arms
L. S. Aramyan
V. de Lapparent
E. Bertin
G. A. Mamon
D. Kunth
M. Turatto
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Հատոր. 459 No. 3 Էջ. 3130-3143 (2016)

URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.08096

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stw873

Նկարագրություն: Using a sample of 215 supernovae (SNe), we analyse their positions relative to the spiral arms of their host galaxies, distinguishing grand-design (GD) spirals from non-GD (NGD) galaxies. We find that: (1) in GD galaxies, an offset exists between the positions of Ia and core-collapse (CC) SNe relative to the peaks of arms, while in NGD galaxies the positions show no such shifts; (2) in GD galaxies, the positions of CC SNe relative to the peaks of arms are correlated with the radial distance from the galaxy nucleus. Inside (outside) the corotation radius, CC SNe are found closer to the inner (outer) edge. No such correlation is observed for SNe in NGD galaxies nor for SNe Ia in either galaxy class; (3) in GD galaxies, SNe Ibc occur closer to the leading edges of the arms than do SNe II, while in NGD galaxies they are more concentrated towards the peaks of arms. In both samples of hosts, the distributions of SNe Ia relative to the arms have broader wings. These observations suggest that shocks in spiral arms of GD galaxies trigger star formation in the leading edges of arms affecting the distributions of CC SNe (known to have short-lived progenitors). The closer locations of SNe Ibc versus SNe II relative to the leading edges of the arms supports the belief that SNe Ibc have more massive progenitors. SNe Ia having less massive and older progenitors, have more time to drift away from the leading edge of the spiral arms.

Hα Velocity Fields and Galaxy Interaction in the Quartet of Galaxies NGC 7769, 7770, 7771 and 7771A
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy

Հատոր. 37 Էջ. 1 (2016)

URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1510.00193

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12036-016-9369-x

Նկարագրություն: The quartet of galaxies NGC 7769, 7770, 7771 and 7771A is a system of interacting galaxies. Close interaction between galaxies caused characteristic morphological features: tidal arms and bars, as well as an induced star formation. In this study, we performed the Fabry-Perot scanning interferometry of the system in Hα line and studied the velocity fields of the galaxies. We found that the rotation curve of NGC 7769 is weakly distorted. The rotation curve of NGC 7771 is strongly distorted with the tidal arms caused by direct flyby of NGC 7769 and flyby of a smaller neighbor NGC 7770. The rotation curve of NGC 7770 is significantly skewed because of the interaction with the much massive NGC 7771. The rotation curves and morphological disturbances suggest that the NGC 7769 and NGC 7771 have passed the first pericenter stage, however, probably the second encounter has not happened yet. Profiles of surface brightness of NGC 7769 have a characteristic break, and profiles of color indices have a minimum at a radius of intensive star formation induced by the interaction with NGC 7771.